It's not so much the crystals I'm looking too, but more their frequency. Frequencies can very much alter our mood and feelings.
Allow me to quote Nikola Tesla:
If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.
Now, allow me to quote Genesis:
And God said let there be...
God spoke the world into existence, speech is frequency and vibration.
Over the last several months I've overcame flash anger bursts turning to God. I used to easily anger and unleash it, in my spiritual journey I decided to try to be more Jesus minded and came up with some lyrics I sang to myself eventually all through the day. Over time outbursts curbed tremendously. At most now I still get irked but passes quickly.
It's been an interesting journey for me the past couple decades, and still a work in process. I went through a period of spiritual growth including misplaced faith, and am certainly not placing any in rocks.
Peace and blessings!
It's not so much the crystals I'm looking too, but more their frequency. Frequencies can very much alter our mood and feelings.
Allow me to quote Nikola Tesla:
If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.
Now, allow me to quote Genesis:
And God said let there be...
God spoke the world into existence, speech is frequency and vibration.
Over the last several months I've overcame flash anger bursts turning to God. I used to easily anger and unleash it, then I decided to try and become more Jesus minded and came up with some lyrics I sang to myself eventually all through the day. Over time outbursts curbed tremendously. At most now I still get irked but passes quickly.
It's been an interesting journey for me the past couple decades, and still a work in process. I went through a period of spiritual growth including misplaced faith, and am certainly not placing any in rocks.
Peace and blessings!
It's not so much the crystals I'm looking too, but more their frequency. Frequencies can very much alter our mood and feelings.
Allow me to quote Nikola Tesla:
If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.
Now, allow me to quote to Genesis:
And God said let there be...
God spoke the world into existence, speech is frequency and vibration.
Over the last several months I've overcame flash anger bursts turning to God. I used to easily anger and unleash it, then I decided to try and become more Jesus minded and came up with some lyrics I sang to myself eventually all through the day. Over time outbursts curbed tremendously. At most now I still get irked but passes quickly.
It's been an interesting journey for me the past couple decades, and still a work in process. I went through a period of spiritual growth including misplaced faith, and am certainly not placing any in rocks.
Peace and blessings!