Also, in my travels, I found that blue cheese is very good. I believe it is the penicillin in the blue stuff. And yes, the point is to savor it. However, one will not find any proof of the effectiveness in the literature, because the academics say that that particular penicillin is so ubiquitous that the bugs 'out there' are immune to it. However, I found that adding blue cheese to the mix of remedies seems to work for me. So there's that.
Also, in my travels, I found that blue cheese is very good. I believe it is the penicillin in the blue stuff. And yes, the point is to savor it. However, one will not find any proof of the effectiveness in the literature, because the academics say that that particular penicillin is so ubiquotous that the bugs 'out there' are immune to it. However, I found that adding blue cheese to the mix of remedies seems to work for me. So there's that.