The argument was that since God begat Christ, there was a time when the Son was not. Athanasius preached that this denied the Trinity and that Christ was not of a like substance as God but the same substance.
Athanasius was exiled 5 times by four Roman Emperors and spent 17 of his 45 years as Bishop of Alexandria in exile.
It is an apt comparison by Mel. Both Athanasius and Vigano were/are persecuted for calling out heresy and apostasy in the Church. Begoglio is a false pope. He is an apostate and a heretic. His goal is the destruction of the Church and the formation of a new one world false religion.
Edit: Being a devout Roman Catholic my entire life, I now question the purpose of all organized religion. It is being used to control the sheep and not to rejoice in the Trinity.
The argument was that since God begat Christ, there was a time when the Son was not. Athanasius preached that this denied the Trinity and that Christ was not of a like substance as God but the same substance.
Athanasius was exiled 5 times by four Roman Emperors and spent 17 of his 45 years as Bishop of Alexandria in exile.
It is an apt comparison by Mel. Both Athanasius and Vigano were/are persecuted for calling out heresy and apostasy in the Church. Begoglio is a false pope. He is an apostate and a heretic. His goal is the destruction of the Church and the formation of a new one world false religion.
Edit: Being a devout Roman Catholic my entire life, I have begun to question all organized religion. It is being used to control the sheep and not to rejoice in the Trinity.
The argument was that since God begat Christ, there was a time when the Son was not. Athanasius preached that this denied the Trinity and that Christ was not of a like substance as God but the same substance.
Athanasius was exiled 5 times by four Roman Emperors and spent 17 of his 45 years as Bishop of Alexandria in exile.
It is an apt comparison by Mel. Both Athanasius and Vigano were/are persecuted for calling out heresy and apostasy in the Church. Begoglio is a false pope. He is an apostate and a heretic. His goal is the destruction of the Church and the formation of a new one world false religion.
The argument was that since God begat Christ, there was a time when the Son was not. Athanasius preached that this denied the Trinity and that Christ was not of a like substance as God but the same substance.
Athanasius was exiled 5 times by four Roman Emperors and spent 17 of his 45 years as Bishop of Alexandria in exile.
It is an apt comparison by Mel.