Brilliant. You are a gentleman, and a scholar. More of this please! This forum was built by this kind of intellectual vigor, and indeed it is envigorating. TaQo also making good points, although I understand his frustration (having similar feelings myself) he perhaps needs to have some patience with those new to the scene, or that haven't been around for JFK, Reagan, 9/11, Bushes, Clintons, and even Q. For those that didn't have the fortune of following closely to the Q posts as they unfolded live from the beginnig, it's nearly impossible to catch up. I like your approach of patiently and compassionately explaining to these folks what may indeed be, and what likely is, going on.
If I am reading you correctly (and also TaQo), then WH are indeed in control, Trump is insulated, and WH may have intercepted the BH plans (thus explaining why there were still shorts against DJT stock, and why Vince Fusca wasn't too concerned) , then WH clandestinely replaced the "shooter" with one of their own, ensuring Trump's safety, and then the rest was theater? The "shooter" was never actually killed, Trump's "wound" was WWF wrestling, and there were crisis actors rounding out the show. Interesting indeed. What of the dead father though? But, this is the kind of critical thinking we need more of here. Thank you sir.
Brilliant. You are a gentleman, and a scholar. More of this please! This forum was built by this kind of intellectual vigor, and indeed it is envigorating. TaQo also making good points, although I understand his frustration (having similar feelings myself) he perhaps needs to have some patience with those new to the scene, or that haven't been around for JFK, Reagan, 9/11, Bushes, Clintons, and even Q. For those that didn't have the fortune of following closely to the Q posts as they unfolded live from the beginnig, it's nearly impossible to catch up. I like your approach of patiently and compassionately explaining to these folks what may, indeed be, and what likely is, going on.
If I am reading you correctly (and also TaQo), then WH are indeed in control, Trump is insulated, and WH may have intercepted the BH plans (thus explaining why there were still shorts against DJT, and why Vince Fusca wasn't too concerned) , thwn WH clandestinely replaced the "shooter" with one of their own, ensuring Trump's safety, and then the rest was theater? The "shooter" was never actually killed, Trump's "wound" was WWF wrestling, and there were crisis actors rounding out the show. Interesting indeed. What of the dead father though? But, this is the kind of critical thinking we need more of here. Thank you sir.
Brilliant. You are a gentleman, and a scholar. More of this please! This forum was built by this kind of intellectual vigor, and indeed it is envigorating. TaQo also making good points, although I understand his frustration (having similar feelings myself( he perhaps needs to have some patience with those new to the scene, or that haven't been around for JFK, Reagan, 9/11, Bushes, Clintons, and even Q. For those that didn't have the fortune of following closely to the Q posts as they unfolded live from the beginnig, it's nearly impossible to catch up. I like your approach of patiently and compassionately explaining to these folks what may, indeed be, and what likely is, going on.
If I am reading you correctly (and also TaQo), then WH are indeed in control, Trump is insulated, and WH may have intercepted the BH plans (thus explaining why there were still shorts against DJT, and why Vince Fusca wasn't too concerned) , thwn WH clandestinely replaced the "shooter" with one of their own, ensuring Trump's safety, and then the rest was theater? The "shooter" was never actually killed, Trump's "wound" was WWF wrestling, and there were crisis actors rounding out the show. Interesting indeed. What of the dead father though? But, this is the kind of critical thinking we need more of here. Thank you sir.