For everyone reading, this was a CIA or Mossad hit. Pg 9 of the CIA assassination manual states simple falls of 75+ft are the ideal assassination method because they draw the least attention and least investigation. They are aided by intoxicating the mark. Got him juiced on pain killers or alcohol, then yeeted him. What did he know?
Manual here:
For everyone reading, this was a CIA or Mossad hit. Pg 9 of the CIA assassination manual states simple falls of 75+ft are the ideal assassination method because they draw the least attention and least investigation. They are aided by intoxicating the mark.
Manual here:
For everyone reading, this was a CIA or Mossad hit. Pg 9 of the CIA assassination manual states simple falls of 75+ft are the ideal assassination method because they draw the least attention and least investigation.
Manual here: