Alright much of this isn't backed by much DD (well some) because most of this is purely speculation, however, it actually appears to be a seriously reasonable possibility. I'd like to provide everyone with a possible explanation of what we're currently "watching" right now.
So, kick of the bank collapse via, Silicon Valley Bank. What specific company did Silicon Valley Bank do business with that was dramatically affected by the collapse of SVB? A digital "coin" based company that was creating "a digital currency PEGGED TO THE U.S. DOLLAR"? Read the previous sentence one more time, but slower. Setting any alarms off in your head? Now, this company is named, Circle. It's effectively the protégé of the future US Government digital currency, USDC = United States DOLLAR Coin.
If anyone paid attention, they would have figured out or have heard that this collapse started as a US FED BONDS COLLAPSE. This is true. Remember, the US Dollar has to have the perception of being a 'stable' & 'trusted' currency which is why many of these banks (and notoriously SVB) perceived the US Dollar to be an incredibly safe asset.
The US Dollar has been used as the "World Reserve Currency" for decades (why do you think we actually invade supposed 'terrorist' countries? This question is important to remember later on). So, as long as the FED can Brrrrr the printing press of the US dollar, the crimes will only metastasize and benefit the 1%, every.... fucking.... time. And they want to "digitize" the US currency for further control & manipulation of the economy, effectively the One World Digital Currency.
Do you see where I’m going yet? If not, this will start to make sense.
Let's look at post #2619:
An anon asked Q, "Do we have the gold." Q responds with "Yes. Gold shall destroy FED."
I really only have one possible guess is to how this post fits into what's going on. Many of us on this board understand the underlining problem with the FED RESERVE and its historical maneuver to unpeg the US note from US Gold Reserves. Without Gold backing the US Dollar, the Federal Reserve can keep printing, printing and printing forever – which is [their] plan.
Remember when Trump went on diplomatic trips to various countries in his first year of office as POTUS? What do you think he was actually ‘making a deal’ for? Simple, GOLD. One may argue other things like evidence of corruption, etc… that is still possible, and maybe there was an agreement, BUT GOLD seems to be one very probable reason- and I’ll tell you why.
First, why did Trump go to countries who have been labeled ‘Hostile’ by NATO? Why were these countries labeled as enemies of NATO? Simple, currency. These countries who were ‘threats’ to NATO did NOT want to join a central banking fiat system. When the US invaded Iraq, Syria, Libya (to name a few), what are we actually trying to accomplish? Sure, you can say OIL because it is considered a resource, but what do you purchase oil with on the global market? You guessed it, the US Petro dollar! Under Clinton, Bush(2x), Obama, we invaded these countries, overthrew their elected government and installed a CIA backed US puppet to serve the financial interests of the US global economic hegemony. The US (w/ NATO allies) wanted to send a clear message to “problematic nations’ and effectively forced these countries to purchase US Dollars as a commodity, thus keeping this entire FED US Dollar Ponzi scheme going. This is literally the biggest financial crime in history, the largest financial Ponzi scheme ever to have been created in this world. The only reason why the US Dollar has any “value” only lies in the “perception” or CONFIDENCE of the US Dollar, that's it. We clearly are not going to pay off our $30+ trillion-dollar debt and it's obvious at this point. You must be brain dead not to see this and other countries see this as well. Remember, if the US Government says so, and you are a country leader who happens to disagree… then the US/NATO will simply invade your country by using “terrorism” as the justification to invade and take you out. Why do you think 9/11 actually happened? Fear & Control. Use “terrorism” to justify global intervention. NATO already approves so really there is no resistance if you’re a 3rd world country. Once the US or NATO has you, they take your economy with it.
So, let’s take one step back: Why was Trump visiting various countries in the first year of his presidency? I believe it was to discuss this very situation and restore the Gold Reserves. Now, why would I come to this conclusion? Well, first, what is the one thing that seems to always go missing or is confiscated right after we invade these countries? Their GOLD. Saddam, Gaddafi, were trying to get Assad for the same reason.
And would you look at that:
Remember, in the previous Q post #2619, an Anon asked Q if WE have the Gold. Q responded, “Yes”.
So, how does this fit in with what’s going on today, you may ask?
Well, I believe what we’re currently witnessing is the Ultimate destruction of the Old Guard, ie the US FED Dollar. It is the currency of the NWO “illuminati” cult. How do I know? The “All Seeing Eye w/ Pyramid” is literally on the back of the fucking US Dollar. This is [THEIR] currency. Until this FED Dollar currency is wiped out, the problems will increasingly grow in size & will continually cause so much damage to human civilization.
Additionally, if we're going through a banking collapse at the moment, what other "banks" stand out to so many of us on this board? Ah yes, the Rothschilds Banks (and every other bank for that matter).
So, WHAT ELSE do you think Trump was talking to China, Russia, India, Bolsonaro of Brazil, etc. about as well? Maybe something called BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa). The currency that absolutely THREATENS the US FED Dollar Reserve status. This is why the media and corrupt members of the US Government are constantly attacking these countries. It's one reason why they are so obsessed with vilifying Russia. Side Note: China also has a deep state (CCP) and Xi was also a puppet. The liberal LOVE for China is really for the CCP, not the People's Republic of China.
So, the BIG question is, are we actually preparing for a lateral move of our entire economic system? Are we witnessing the literal ‘Destruction of the Old Guard’?
Now, there is two ways this can possibly go down and I believe we will experience some type of pain economically no matter how it is cut. Unfortunately, this pain is a necessary evil. This system has to END. Jerome Powell can either RAISE interest rates which will ultimately decimate the banking system and make many of them insolvent. This will cause depositors to most likely lose money as there is no way the FDIC can insure every depositor, even at the 250k limit. It’s mathematically impossible. However, if Jerome Powell decides to pause or even reduce the interest rates, inflation will come pretty hard. In either case, once the FED turns on the printing press, inflation will come.
So, we either witness the collapse of the banks and lose quite a bit of our deposits OR we go into hyperinflation thus making everything worthless along with a huge currency crisis. In either case, the FED system cannot survive either way. They either destroy the US Dollar (w/ inflation) or default (w/out inflation).
I am firmly convinced that the goal is to collapse the economy under Joe Biden and have his administration completely blamed for it. Trump even made a hint at it:
Again, Joe Biden being “President” is irrelevant to be honest. Once the economy begins to crumble people will begin to understand the value of money and the problems with central banking. Most likely not from a technical standpoint but many people will blame government and banks for this mess – as they should. This may also force the GOP majority house to start subpoenaing these bankers, FED chair, etc.. Unfortunately, we need an economic collapse to literally destroy this US FED Dollar one way or the other. I believe this has been done by design, by the good guys.
So, you might ask, well how and the hell will we survive this? I believe this is where the Gold and BRICS fits in. Now I’m not an economist by any means and am fairly smoothed brain on analysis and technical economic data, but I do love analyzing trends and probabilities. In order to quickly recover from an economic collapse, you'll either need to reissue a new currency (but that can take time) OR you utilize an existing parallel economy to peg your currency to, BRICS. We use our gold stockpiles to either back the US Dollar or BRICS currency (depending on how the situation unfolds). At that point we get rid of the US Dollar, prosecute financial crimes and dismantle the obviously corrupt SEC, FINRA, etc. Then a new financial regulatory agency with proper checks and balances to serve the people. I think thought of Q post #3383:
"Imagine what would happen, if, by law, every US Congressman/woman, US Senator, President etc. was by US law AUDITed every 1-2 years by an independent agency. Imagine what would happen if those AUDITs extended to all family members of such 'elected' official?"
Lastly, let’s also consider one element that people may have missed. What exactly was ‘Operation Warp Speed’? Many people understand it to be the development & deployment of the COVID vaccinations. Well, I believe not exactly. It's possible that Operation Warp Speed effectively put the Deep State’s plan into hyperdrive, ie Warp Speed. We were supposed to be under COVID for much longer, we were supposed to take vaccines over & over (money for Big Pharma and your DNA gets altered), we were supposed to go to war with Russia and usher in a NWO and One World Digital Currency. Warp Speed also has a Space connotation, Space Force.
I believe, what we’re currently witnessing is the literal destruction of the Old Guard (US Federal Reserve / Dollar).
Q post #3961:
"You are witnessing the systematic destruction of the OLD GUARD."
EDIT: Thank you to the anon who helped me format Q posts.
Alright much of this isn't backed by much DD (well some) because most of this is purely speculation, however, it actually appears to be a seriously reasonable possibility. I'd like to provide everyone with a possible explanation of what we're currently "watching" right now.
So, kick of the bank collapse via, Silicon Valley Bank. What specific company did Silicon Valley Bank do business with that was dramatically affected by the collapse of SVB? A digital "coin" based company that was creating "a digital currency PEGGED TO THE U.S. DOLLAR"? Read the previous sentence one more time, but slower. Setting any alarms off in your head? Now, this company is named, Circle. It's effectively the protégé of the future US Government digital currency, USDC = United States DOLLAR Coin.
If anyone paid attention, they would have figured out or have heard that this collapse started as a US FED BONDS COLLAPSE. This is true. Remember, the US Dollar has to have the perception of being a 'stable' & 'trusted' currency which is why many of these banks (and notoriously SVB) perceived the US Dollar to be an incredibly safe asset.
The US Dollar has been used as the "World Reserve Currency" for decades (why do you think we actually invade supposed 'terrorist' countries? This question is important to remember later on). So, as long as the FED can Brrrrr the printing press of the US dollar, the crimes will only metastasize and benefit the 1%, every.... fucking.... time. And they want to "digitize" the US currency for further control & manipulation of the economy, effectively the One World Digital Currency.
Do you see where I’m going yet? If not, this will start to make sense.
Let's look at post #2619:
An anon asked Q, "Do we have the gold." Q responds with "Yes. Gold shall destroy FED."
I really only have one possible guess is to how this post fits into what's going on. Many of us on this board understand the underlining problem with the FED RESERVE and its historical maneuver to unpeg the US note from US Gold Reserves. Without Gold backing the US Dollar, the Federal Reserve can keep printing, printing and printing forever – which is [their] plan.
Remember when Trump went on diplomatic trips to various countries in his first year of office as POTUS? What do you think he was actually ‘making a deal’ for? Simple, GOLD. One may argue other things like evidence of corruption, etc… that is still possible, and maybe there was an agreement, BUT GOLD seems to be one very probable reason- and I’ll tell you why.
First, why did Trump go to countries who have been labeled ‘Hostile’ by NATO? Why were these countries labeled as enemies of NATO? Simple, currency. These countries who were ‘threats’ to NATO did NOT want to join a central banking fiat system. When the US invaded Iraq, Syria, Libya (to name a few), what are we actually trying to accomplish? Sure, you can say OIL because it is considered a resource, but what do you purchase oil with on the global market? You guessed it, the US Petro dollar! Under Clinton, Bush(2x), Obama, we invaded these countries, overthrew their elected government and installed a CIA backed US puppet to serve the financial interests of the US global economic hegemony. The US (w/ NATO allies) wanted to send a clear message to “problematic nations’ and effectively forced these countries to purchase US Dollars as a commodity, thus keeping this entire FED US Dollar Ponzi scheme going. This is literally the biggest financial crime in history, the largest financial Ponzi scheme ever to have been created in this world. The only reason why the US Dollar has any “value” only lies in the “perception” or CONFIDENCE of the US Dollar, that's it. We clearly are not going to pay off our $30+ trillion-dollar debt and it's obvious at this point. You must be brain dead not to see this and other countries see this as well. Remember, if the US Government says so, and you are a country leader who happens to disagree… then the US/NATO will simply invade your country by using “terrorism” as the justification to invade and take you out. Why do you think 9/11 actually happened? Fear & Control. Use “terrorism” to justify global intervention. NATO already approves so really there is no resistance if you’re a 3rd world country. Once the US or NATO has you, they take your economy with it.
So, let’s take one step back: Why was Trump visiting various countries in the first year of his presidency? I believe it was to discuss this very situation and restore the Gold Reserves. Now, why would I come to this conclusion? Well, first, what is the one thing that seems to always go missing or is confiscated right after we invade these countries? Their GOLD. Saddam, Gaddafi, were trying to get Assad for the same reason.
And would you look at that:
Remember, in the previous Q post #2619, an Anon asked Q if WE have the Gold. Q responded, “Yes”.
So, how does this fit in with what’s going on today, you may ask?
Well, I believe what we’re currently witnessing is the Ultimate destruction of the Old Guard, ie the US FED Dollar. It is the currency of the NWO “illuminati” cult. How do I know? The “All Seeing Eye w/ Pyramid” is literally on the back of the fucking US Dollar. This is [THEIR] currency. Until this FED Dollar currency is wiped out, the problems will increasingly grow in size & will continually cause so much damage to human civilization.
Additionally, if we're going through a banking collapse at the moment, what other "banks" stand out to so many of us on this board? Ah yes, the Rothschilds Banks (and every other bank for that matter).
So, WHAT ELSE do you think Trump was talking to China, Russia, India, Bolsonaro of Brazil, etc. about as well? Maybe something called BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa). The currency that absolutely THREATENS the US FED Dollar Reserve status. This is why the media and corrupt members of the US Government are constantly attacking these countries. It's one reason why they are so obsessed with vilifying Russia. Side Note: China also has a deep state (CCP) and Xi was also a puppet. The liberal LOVE for China is really for the CCP, not the People's Republic of China.
So, the BIG question is, are we actually preparing for a lateral move of our entire economic system? Are we witnessing the literal ‘Destruction of the Old Guard’?
Now, there is two ways this can possibly go down and I believe we will experience some type of pain economically no matter how it is cut. Unfortunately, this pain is a necessary evil. This system has to END. Jerome Powell can either RAISE interest rates which will ultimately decimate the banking system and make many of them insolvent. This will cause depositors to most likely lose money as there is no way the FDIC can insure every depositor, even at the 250k limit. It’s mathematically impossible. However, if Jerome Powell decides to pause or even reduce the interest rates, inflation will come pretty hard. In either case, once the FED turns on the printing press, inflation will come.
So, we either witness the collapse of the banks and lose quite a bit of our deposits OR we go into hyperinflation thus making everything worthless along with a huge currency crisis. In either case, the FED system cannot survive either way. They either destroy the US Dollar (w/ inflation) or default (w/out inflation).
I am firmly convinced that the goal is to collapse the economy under Joe Biden and have his administration completely blamed for it. Trump even made a hint at it:
Again, Joe Biden being “President” is irrelevant to be honest. Once the economy begins to crumble people will begin to understand the value of money and the problems with central banking. Most likely not from a technical standpoint but many people will blame government and banks for this mess – as they should. This may also force the GOP majority house to start subpoenaing these bankers, FED chair, etc.. Unfortunately, we need an economic collapse to literally destroy this US FED Dollar one way or the other. I believe this has been done by design, by the good guys.
So, you might ask, well how and the hell will we survive this? I believe this is where the Gold and BRICS fits in. Now I’m not an economist by any means and am fairly smoothed brain on analysis and technical economic data, but I do love analyzing trends and probabilities. In order to quickly recover from an economic collapse, you'll either need to reissue a new currency (but that can take time) OR you utilize an existing parallel economy to peg your currency to, BRICS. We use our gold stockpiles to either back the US Dollar or BRICS currency (depending on how the situation unfolds). At that point we get rid of the US Dollar, prosecute financial crimes and dismantle the obviously corrupt SEC, FINRA, etc. Then a new financial regulatory agency with proper checks and balances to serve the people. I think thought of Q post #3383:
"Imagine what would happen, if, by law, every US Congressman/woman, US Senator, President etc. was by US law AUDITed every 1-2 years by an independent agency. Imagine what would happen if those AUDITs extended to all family members of such 'elected' official?"
Lastly, let’s also consider one element that people may have missed. What exactly was ‘Operation Warp Speed’? Many people understand it to be the development & deployment of the COVID vaccinations. Well, I believe not exactly. It's possible that Operation Warp Speed effectively put the Deep State’s plan into hyperdrive, ie Warp Speed. We were supposed to be under COVID for much longer, we were supposed to take vaccines over & over (money for Big Pharma and your DNA gets altered), we were supposed to go to war with Russia and usher in a NWO and One World Digital Currency. Warp Speed also has a Space connotation, Space Force.
I believe, what we’re currently witnessing is the literal destruction of the Old Guard (US Federal Reserve / Dollar).
Q post #3961:
"You are witnessing the systematic destruction of the OLD GUARD."
EDIT: Thank you
Alright much of this isn't backed by much DD (well some) because most of this is purely speculation, however, it actually appears to be a seriously reasonable possibility. I'd like to provide everyone with a possible explanation of what we're currently "watching" right now.
So, kick of the bank collapse via, Silicon Valley Bank. What specific company did Silicon Valley Bank do business with that was dramatically affected by the collapse of SVB? A digital "coin" based company that was creating "a digital currency PEGGED TO THE U.S. DOLLAR"? Read the previous sentence one more time, but slower. Setting any alarms off in your head? Now, this company is named, Circle. It's effectively the protégé of the future US Government digital currency, USDC = United States DOLLAR Coin.
If anyone paid attention, they would have figured out or have heard that this collapse started as a US FED BONDS COLLAPSE. This is true. Remember, the US Dollar has to have the perception of being a 'stable' & 'trusted' currency which is why many of these banks (and notoriously SVB) perceived the US Dollar to be an incredibly safe asset.
The US Dollar has been used as the "World Reserve Currency" for decades (why do you think we actually invade supposed 'terrorist' countries? This question is important to remember later on). So, as long as the FED can Brrrrr the printing press of the US dollar, the crimes will only metastasize and benefit the 1%, every.... fucking.... time. And they want to "digitize" the US currency for further control & manipulation of the economy, effectively the One World Digital Currency.
Do you see where I’m going yet? If not, this will start to make sense.
Let's look at post #2619:
An anon asked Q, "Do we have the gold." Q responds with "Yes. Gold shall destroy FED."
I really only have one possible guess is to how this post fits into what's going on. Many of us on this board understand the underlining problem with the FED RESERVE and its historical maneuver to unpeg the US note from US Gold Reserves. Without Gold backing the US Dollar, the Federal Reserve can keep printing, printing and printing forever – which is [their] plan.
Remember when Trump went on diplomatic trips to various countries in his first year of office as POTUS? What do you think he was actually ‘making a deal’ for? Simple, GOLD. One may argue other things like evidence of corruption, etc… that is still possible, and maybe there was an agreement, BUT GOLD seems to be one very probable reason- and I’ll tell you why.
First, why did Trump go to countries who have been labeled ‘Hostile’ by NATO? Why were these countries labeled as enemies of NATO? Simple, currency. These countries who were ‘threats’ to NATO did NOT want to join a central banking fiat system. When the US invaded Iraq, Syria, Libya (to name a few), what are we actually trying to accomplish? Sure, you can say OIL because it is considered a resource, but what do you purchase oil with on the global market? You guessed it, the US Petro dollar! Under Clinton, Bush(2x), Obama, we invaded these countries, overthrew their elected government and installed a CIA backed US puppet to serve the financial interests of the US global economic hegemony. The US (w/ NATO allies) wanted to send a clear message to “problematic nations’ and effectively forced these countries to purchase US Dollars as a commodity, thus keeping this entire FED US Dollar Ponzi scheme going. This is literally the biggest financial crime in history, the largest financial Ponzi scheme ever to have been created in this world. The only reason why the US Dollar has any “value” only lies in the “perception” or CONFIDENCE of the US Dollar, that's it. We clearly are not going to pay off our $30+ trillion-dollar debt and it's obvious at this point. You must be brain dead not to see this and other countries see this as well. Remember, if the US Government says so, and you are a country leader who happens to disagree… then the US/NATO will simply invade your country by using “terrorism” as the justification to invade and take you out. Why do you think 9/11 actually happened? Fear & Control. Use “terrorism” to justify global intervention. NATO already approves so really there is no resistance if you’re a 3rd world country. Once the US or NATO has you, they take your economy with it.
So, let’s take one step back: Why was Trump visiting various countries in the first year of his presidency? I believe it was to discuss this very situation and restore the Gold Reserves. Now, why would I come to this conclusion? Well, first, what is the one thing that seems to always go missing or is confiscated right after we invade these countries? Their GOLD. Saddam, Gaddafi, were trying to get Assad for the same reason.
And would you look at that:
Remember, in the previous Q post #2619, an Anon asked Q if WE have the Gold. Q responded, “Yes”.
So, how does this fit in with what’s going on today, you may ask?
Well, I believe what we’re currently witnessing is the Ultimate destruction of the Old Guard, ie the US FED Dollar. It is the currency of the NWO “illuminati” cult. How do I know? The “All Seeing Eye w/ Pyramid” is literally on the back of the fucking US Dollar. This is [THEIR] currency. Until this FED Dollar currency is wiped out, the problems will increasingly grow in size & will continually cause so much damage to human civilization.
Additionally, if we're going through a banking collapse at the moment, what other "banks" stand out to so many of us on this board? Ah yes, the Rothschilds Banks (and every other bank for that matter).
So, WHAT ELSE do you think Trump was talking to China, Russia, India, Bolsonaro of Brazil, etc. about as well? Maybe something called BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa). The currency that absolutely THREATENS the US FED Dollar Reserve status. This is why the media and corrupt members of the US Government are constantly attacking these countries. It's one reason why they are so obsessed with vilifying Russia. Side Note: China also has a deep state (CCP) and Xi was also a puppet. The liberal LOVE for China is really for the CCP, not the People's Republic of China.
So, the BIG question is, are we actually preparing for a lateral move of our entire economic system? Are we witnessing the literal ‘Destruction of the Old Guard’?
Now, there is two ways this can possibly go down and I believe we will experience some type of pain economically no matter how it is cut. Unfortunately, this pain is a necessary evil. This system has to END. Jerome Powell can either RAISE interest rates which will ultimately decimate the banking system and make many of them insolvent. This will cause depositors to most likely lose money as there is no way the FDIC can insure every depositor, even at the 250k limit. It’s mathematically impossible. However, if Jerome Powell decides to pause or even reduce the interest rates, inflation will come pretty hard. In either case, once the FED turns on the printing press, inflation will come.
So, we either witness the collapse of the banks and lose quite a bit of our deposits OR we go into hyperinflation thus making everything worthless along with a huge currency crisis. In either case, the FED system cannot survive either way. They either destroy the US Dollar (w/ inflation) or default (w/out inflation).
I am firmly convinced that the goal is to collapse the economy under Joe Biden and have his administration completely blamed for it. Trump even made a hint at it:
Again, Joe Biden being “President” is irrelevant to be honest. Once the economy begins to crumble people will begin to understand the value of money and the problems with central banking. Most likely not from a technical standpoint but many people will blame government and banks for this mess – as they should. This may also force the GOP majority house to start subpoenaing these bankers, FED chair, etc.. Unfortunately, we need an economic collapse to literally destroy this US FED Dollar one way or the other. I believe this has been done by design, by the good guys.
So, you might ask, well how and the hell will we survive this? I believe this is where the Gold and BRICS fits in. Now I’m not an economist by any means and am fairly smoothed brain on analysis and technical economic data, but I do love analyzing trends and probabilities. In order to quickly recover from an economic collapse, you'll either need to reissue a new currency (but that can take time) OR you utilize an existing parallel economy to peg your currency to, BRICS. We use our gold stockpiles to either back the US Dollar or BRICS currency (depending on how the situation unfolds). At that point we get rid of the US Dollar, prosecute financial crimes and dismantle the obviously corrupt SEC, FINRA, etc. Then a new financial regulatory agency with proper checks and balances to serve the people. I think thought of Q post #3383:
"Imagine what would happen, if, by law, every US Congressman/woman, US Senator, President etc. was by US law AUDITed every 1-2 years by an independent agency. Imagine what would happen if those AUDITs extended to all family members of such 'elected' official?"
Lastly, let’s also consider one element that people may have missed. What exactly was ‘Operation Warp Speed’? Many people understand it to be the development & deployment of the COVID vaccinations. Well, I believe not exactly. It's possible that Operation Warp Speed effectively put the Deep State’s plan into hyperdrive, ie Warp Speed. We were supposed to be under COVID for much longer, we were supposed to take vaccines over & over (money for Big Pharma and your DNA gets altered), we were supposed to go to war with Russia and usher in a NWO and One World Digital Currency. Warp Speed also has a Space connotation, Space Force.
I believe, what we’re currently witnessing is the literal destruction of the Old Guard (US Federal Reserve / Dollar).
Q post #3961:
"You are witnessing the systematic destruction of the OLD GUARD."
EDIT: Anyone remember how to format a Q post on here? I can update my post to reflect that formatting.
Alright much of this isn't backed by much DD (well some) because most of this is purely speculation, however, it actually appears to be a seriously reasonable possibility. I'd like to provide everyone with a possible explanation of what we're currently "watching" right now.
So, kick of the bank collapse via, Silicon Valley Bank. What specific company did Silicon Valley Bank do business with that was dramatically affected by the collapse of SVB? A digital "coin" based company that was creating "a digital currency PEGGED TO THE U.S. DOLLAR"? Read the previous sentence one more time, but slower. Setting any alarms off in your head? Now, this company is named, Circle. It's effectively the protégé of the future US Government digital currency, USDC = United States DOLLAR Coin.
If anyone paid attention, they would have figured out or have heard that this collapse started as a US FED BONDS COLLAPSE. This is true. Remember, the US Dollar has to have the perception of being a 'stable' & 'trusted' currency which is why many of these banks (and notoriously SVB) perceived the US Dollar to be an incredibly safe asset.
The US Dollar has been used as the "World Reserve Currency" for decades (why do you think we actually invade supposed 'terrorist' countries? This question is important to remember later on). So, as long as the FED can Brrrrr the printing press of the US dollar, the crimes will only metastasize and benefit the 1%, every.... fucking.... time. And they want to "digitize" the US currency for further control & manipulation of the economy, effectively the One World Digital Currency.
Do you see where I’m going yet? If not, this will start to make sense.
Let's look at post #2619:
An anon asked Q, "Do we have the gold." Q responds with "Yes. Gold shall destroy FED."
I really only have one possible guess is to how this post fits into what's going on. Many of us on this board understand the underlining problem with the FED RESERVE and its historical maneuver to unpeg the US note from US Gold Reserves. Without Gold backing the US Dollar, the Federal Reserve can keep printing, printing and printing forever – which is [their] plan.
Remember when Trump went on diplomatic trips to various countries in his first year of office as POTUS? What do you think he was actually ‘making a deal’ for? Simple, GOLD. One may argue other things like evidence of corruption, etc… that is still possible, and maybe there was an agreement, BUT GOLD seems to be one very probable reason- and I’ll tell you why.
First, why did Trump go to countries who have been labeled ‘Hostile’ by NATO? Why were these countries labeled as enemies of NATO? Simple, currency. These countries who were ‘threats’ to NATO did NOT want to join a central banking fiat system. When the US invaded Iraq, Syria, Libya (to name a few), what are we actually trying to accomplish? Sure, you can say OIL because it is considered a resource, but what do you purchase oil with on the global market? You guessed it, the US Petro dollar! Under Clinton, Bush(2x), Obama, we invaded these countries, overthrew their elected government and installed a CIA backed US puppet to serve the financial interests of the US global economic hegemony. The US (w/ NATO allies) wanted to send a clear message to “problematic nations’ and effectively forced these countries to purchase US Dollars as a commodity, thus keeping this entire FED US Dollar Ponzi scheme going. This is literally the biggest financial crime in history, the largest financial Ponzi scheme ever to have been created in this world. The only reason why the US Dollar has any “value” only lies in the “perception” or CONFIDENCE of the US Dollar, that's it. We clearly are not going to pay off our $30+ trillion-dollar debt and it's obvious at this point. You must be brain dead not to see this and other countries see this as well. Remember, if the US Government says so, and you are a country leader who happens to disagree… then the US/NATO will simply invade your country by using “terrorism” as the justification to invade and take you out. Why do you think 9/11 actually happened? Fear & Control. Use “terrorism” to justify global intervention. NATO already approves so really there is no resistance if you’re a 3rd world country. Once the US or NATO has you, they take your economy with it.
So, let’s take one step back: Why was Trump visiting various countries in the first year of his presidency? I believe it was to discuss this very situation and restore the Gold Reserves. Now, why would I come to this conclusion? Well, first, what is the one thing that seems to always go missing or is confiscated right after we invade these countries? Their GOLD. Saddam, Gaddafi, were trying to get Assad for the same reason.
And would you look at that:
Remember, in the previous Q post #2619, an Anon asked Q if WE have the Gold. Q responded, “Yes”.
So, how does this fit in with what’s going on today, you may ask?
Well, I believe what we’re currently witnessing is the Ultimate destruction of the Old Guard, ie the US FED Dollar. It is the currency of the NWO “illuminati” cult. How do I know? The “All Seeing Eye w/ Pyramid” is literally on the back of the fucking US Dollar. This is [THEIR] currency. Until this FED Dollar currency is wiped out, the problems will increasingly grow in size & will continually cause so much damage to human civilization.
Additionally, if we're going through a banking collapse at the moment, what other "banks" stand out to so many of us on this board? Ah yes, the Rothschilds Banks (and every other bank for that matter).
So, WHAT ELSE do you think Trump was talking to China, Russia, India, Bolsonaro of Brazil, etc. about as well? Maybe something called BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa). The currency that absolutely THREATENS the US FED Dollar Reserve status. This is why the media and corrupt members of the US Government are constantly attacking these countries. It's one reason why they are so obsessed with vilifying Russia. Side Note: China also has a deep state (CCP) and Xi was also a puppet. The liberal LOVE for China is really for the CCP, not the People's Republic of China.
So, the BIG question is, are we actually preparing for a lateral move of our entire economic system? Are we witnessing the literal ‘Destruction of the Old Guard’?
Now, there is two ways this can possibly go down and I believe we will experience some type of pain economically no matter how it is cut. Unfortunately, this pain is a necessary evil. This system has to END. Jerome Powell can either RAISE interest rates which will ultimately decimate the banking system and make many of them insolvent. This will cause depositors to most likely lose money as there is no way the FDIC can insure every depositor, even at the 250k limit. It’s mathematically impossible. However, if Jerome Powell decides to pause or even reduce the interest rates, inflation will come pretty hard. In either case, once the FED turns on the printing press, inflation will come.
So, we either witness the collapse of the banks and lose quite a bit of our deposits OR we go into hyperinflation thus making everything worthless along with a huge currency crisis. In either case, the FED system cannot survive either way. They either destroy the US Dollar (w/ inflation) or default (w/out inflation).
I am firmly convinced that the goal is to collapse the economy under Joe Biden and have his administration completely blamed for it. Trump even made a hint at it:
Again, Joe Biden being “President” is irrelevant to be honest. Once the economy begins to crumble people will begin to understand the value of money and the problems with central banking. Most likely not from a technical standpoint but many people will blame government and banks for this mess – as they should. This may also force the GOP majority house to start subpoenaing these bankers, FED chair, etc.. Unfortunately, we need an economic collapse to literally destroy this US FED Dollar one way or the other. I believe this has been done by design, by the good guys.
So, you might ask, well how and the hell will we survive this? I believe this is where the Gold and BRICS fits in. Now I’m not an economist by any means and am fairly smoothed brain on analysis and technical economic data, but I do love analyzing trends and probabilities. In order to quickly recover from an economic collapse, you'll either need to reissue a new currency (but that can take time) OR you utilize an existing parallel economy to peg your currency to, BRICS. We use our gold stockpiles to either back the US Dollar or BRICS currency (depending on how the situation unfolds). At that point we get rid of the US Dollar, prosecute financial crimes and dismantle the obviously corrupt SEC, FINRA, etc. Then a new financial regulatory agency with proper checks and balances to serve the people. I think thought of Q post #3383:
"Imagine what would happen, if, by law, every US Congressman/woman, US Senator, President etc. was by US law AUDITed every 1-2 years by an independent agency. Imagine what would happen if those AUDITs extended to all family members of such 'elected' official?"
Lastly, let’s also consider one element that people may have missed. What exactly was ‘Operation Warp Speed’? Many people understand it to be the development & deployment of the COVID vaccinations. Well, I believe not exactly. It's possible that Operation Warp Speed effectively put the Deep State’s plan into hyperdrive, ie Warp Speed. We were supposed to be under COVID for much longer, we were supposed to take vaccines over & over (money for Big Pharma and your DNA gets altered), we were supposed to go to war with Russia and usher in a NWO and One World Digital Currency. Warp Speed also has a Space connotation, Space Force.
I believe, what we’re currently witnessing is the literal destruction of the Old Guard (US Federal Reserve / Dollar).
Q post #3961:
"You are witnessing the systematic destruction of the OLD GUARD."
Alright much of this isn't backed by much DD (well some) because most of this is purely speculation, however, it actually appears to be a seriously reasonable possibility. I'd like to provide everyone with a possible explanation of what we're currently "watching" right now.
So, kick of the bank collapse via, Silicon Valley Bank. What specific company did Silicon Valley Bank do business with that was dramatically affected by the collapse of SVB? A digital "coin" based company that was creating "a digital currency PEGGED TO THE U.S. DOLLAR"? Read the previous sentence one more time, but slower. Setting any alarms off in your head? Now, this company is named, Circle. It's effectively the protégé of the future US Government digital currency, USDC = United States DOLLAR Coin.
If anyone paid attention, they would have figured out or have heard that this collapse started as a US FED BONDS COLLAPSE. This is true. Remember, the US Dollar has to have the perception of being a 'stable' & 'trusted' currency which is why many of these banks (and notoriously SVB) perceived the US Dollar to be an incredibly safe asset.
The US Dollar has been used as the "World Reserve Currency" for decades (why do you think we actually invade supposed 'terrorist' countries? This question is important to remember later on). So, as long as the FED can Brrrrr the printing press of the US dollar, the crimes will only metastasize and benefit the 1%, every.... fucking.... time. And they want to "digitize" the US currency for further control & manipulation of the economy, effectively the One World Digital Currency.
Do you see where I’m going yet? If not, this will start to make sense.
Let's look at post #2619:
An anon asked Q, "Do we have the gold." Q responds with "Yes. Gold shall destroy FED."
I really only have one possible guess is to how this post fits into what's going on. Many of us on this board understand the underlining problem with the FED RESERVE and its historical maneuver to unpeg the US note from US Gold Reserves. Without Gold backing the US Dollar, the Federal Reserve can keep printing, printing and printing forever – which is [their] plan.
Remember when Trump went on diplomatic trips to various countries in his first year of office as POTUS? What do you think he was actually ‘making a deal’ for? Simple, GOLD. One may argue other things like evidence of corruption, etc… that is still possible, and maybe there was an agreement, BUT GOLD seems to be one very probable reason- and I’ll tell you why.
First, why did Trump go to countries who have been labeled ‘Hostile’ by NATO? Why were these countries labeled as enemies of NATO? Simple, currency. These countries who were ‘threats’ to NATO did NOT want to join a central banking fiat system. When the US invaded Iraq, Syria, Libya (to name a few), what are we actually trying to accomplish? Sure, you can say OIL because it is considered a resource, but what do you purchase oil with on the global market? You guessed it, the US Petro dollar! Under Clinton, Bush(2x), Obama, we invaded these countries, overthrew their elected government and installed a CIA backed US puppet to serve the financial interests of the US global economic hegemony. The US (w/ NATO allies) wanted to send a clear message to “problematic nations’ and effectively forced these countries to purchase US Dollars as a commodity, thus keeping this entire FED US Dollar Ponzi scheme going. This is literally the biggest financial crime in history, the largest financial Ponzi scheme ever to have been created in this world. The only reason why the US Dollar has any “value” only lies in the “perception” or CONFIDENCE of the US Dollar, that's it. We clearly are not going to pay off our $30+ trillion-dollar debt and it's obvious at this point. You must be brain dead not to see this and other countries see this as well. Remember, if the US Government says so, and you are a country leader who happens to disagree… then the US/NATO will simply invade your country by using “terrorism” as the justification to invade and take you out. Why do you think 9/11 actually happened? Fear & Control. Use “terrorism” to justify global intervention. NATO already approves so really there is no resistance if you’re a 3rd world country. Once the US or NATO has you, they take your economy with it.
So, let’s take one step back: Why was Trump visiting various countries in the first year of his presidency? I believe it was to discuss this very situation and restore the Gold Reserves. Now, why would I come to this conclusion? Well, first, what is the one thing that seems to always go missing or is confiscated right after we invade these countries? Their GOLD. Saddam, Gaddafi, were trying to get Assad for the same reason.
And would you look at that:
Remember, in the previous Q post #2619, an Anon asked Q if WE have the Gold. Q responded, “Yes”.
So, how does this fit in with what’s going on today, you may ask?
Well, I believe what we’re currently witnessing is the Ultimate destruction of the Old Guard, ie the US FED Dollar. It is the currency of the NWO “illuminati” cult. How do I know? The “All Seeing Eye w/ Pyramid” is literally on the back of the fucking US Dollar. This is [THEIR] currency. Until this FED Dollar currency is wiped out, the problems will increasingly grow in size & will continually cause so much damage to human civilization.
Additionally, if we're going through a banking collapse at the moment, what other "banks" stand out to so many of us on this board? Ah yes, the Rothschilds Banks (and every other bank for that matter).
So, WHAT ELSE do you think Trump was talking to China, Russia, India, Bolsonaro of Brazil, etc. about as well? Maybe something called BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa). The currency that absolutely THREATENS the US FED Dollar Reserve status. This is why the media and corrupt members of the US Government are constantly attacking these countries. It's one reason why they are so obsessed with vilifying Russia. Side Note: China also has a deep state (CCP) and Xi was also a puppet. The liberal LOVE for China is really for the CCP, not the People's Republic of China.
So, the BIG question is, are we actually preparing for a lateral move of our entire economic system? Are we witnessing the literal ‘Destruction of the Old Guard’?
Now, there is two ways this can possibly go down and I believe we will experience some type of pain economically no matter how it is cut. Unfortunately, this pain is a necessary evil. This system has to END. Jerome Powell can either RAISE interest rates which will ultimately decimate the banking system and make many of them insolvent. This will cause depositors to most likely lose money as there is no way the FDIC can insure every depositor, even at the 250k limit. It’s mathematically impossible. However, if Jerome Powell decides to pause or even reduce the interest rates, inflation will come pretty hard. In either case, once the FED turns on the printing press, inflation will come.
So, we either witness the collapse of the banks and lose quite a bit of our deposits OR we go into hyperinflation thus making everything worthless along with a huge currency crisis. In either case, the FED system cannot survive either way. They either destroy the US Dollar (w/ inflation) or default (w/out inflation).
I am firmly convinced that the goal is to collapse the economy under Joe Biden and have his administration completely blamed for it. Trump even made a hint at it:
Again, Joe Biden being “President” is irrelevant to be honest. Once the economy begins to crumble people will begin to understand the value of money and the problems with central banking. Most likely not from a technical standpoint but many people will blame government and banks for this mess – as they should. This may also force the GOP majority house to start subpoenaing these bankers, FED chair, etc.. Unfortunately, we need an economic collapse to literally destroy this US FED Dollar one way or the other. I believe this has been done by design, by the good guys.
So, you might ask, well how and the hell will we survive this? I believe this is where the Gold and BRICS fits in. Now I’m not an economist by any means and am fairly smoothed brain on analysis and technical economic data, but I do love analyzing trends and probabilities. In order to quickly recover from an economic collapse, you'll either need to reissue a new currency (but that can take time) OR you utilize an existing parallel economy to peg your currency to, BRICS. We use our gold stockpiles to either back the US Dollar or BRICS currency (depending on how the situation unfolds). At that point we get rid of the US Dollar, prosecute financial crimes and dismantle the obviously corrupt SEC, FINRA, etc. Then a new financial regulatory agency with proper checks and balances to serve the people. I think thought of Q post #3383:
"Imagine what would happen, if, by law, every US Congressman/woman, US Senator, President etc. was by US law AUDITed every 1-2 years by an independent agency. Imagine what would happen if those AUDITs extended to all family members of such 'elected' official?"
Lastly, let’s also consider one element that people may have missed. What exactly was ‘Operation Warp Speed’? Many people understand it to be the development & deployment of the COVID vaccinations. Well, I believe not exactly. It's possible that Operation Warp Speed effectively put the Deep State’s plan into hyperdrive, ie Warp Speed. We were supposed to be under COVID for much longer, we were supposed to take vaccines over & over (money for Big Pharma and your DNA gets altered), we were supposed to go to war with Russia and usher in a NWO and One World Digital Currency. Warp Speed also has a Space connotation, Space Force.
I believe, what we’re currently witnessing is the literal destruction of the Old Guard (US Federal Reserve / Dollar).
u/# 3961