An Israeli company runs the 911 network? Who knew?
(911 networks down.). IS this internet outage a WEF/Globalist-planned thing?
...... and the hawks are blaming Iran for the alleged update/hack. BTW. The narrative spinners/soap opera writers are trying to connect this next war to the shooter. Has anyone seen these fabled Iranian accounts belonging to the Trump rally-shooter? Still waiting. They are trying to djinn up the next war. Eyes on.
Oh and Trump said something about Crowdstrike - and a wealthy Ukrainian. Remember that?
(Russians said that the assassination was from Ukraine/black-ops.)
An Israeli company runs the 911 network? Who knew?
(911 networks down.). IS this a WEF/Globalist-planned thing?
...... and the hawks are blaming Iran. Has anyone seen these fabled Iranian accounts belonging to the Trump rally-shooter? Still waiting. They are trying to djinn up the next war.
Trump said something about Crowdstrike - and a wealthy Ukrainian.
(Russians said that the assassination was from Ukrainians that don't want peace.)