Ask them why for four straight years Bidens videos struggle to get a thousand views whereas Trumps routinely get millions. Ask them why people turn up in their tens to see Biden and their tens of thousands to see Trump. Ask them why every time Trump enters an arena he gets a unanimous roar of USA but Burden gets a deafening FJB. Etc etc etc. But but but the court said there was no fraudzzzz.
There is absolutely no point wasting time on people who readily believe someone else rather than their own eyes and ears. We just need to get control of their Overton window, it's not like they'll even realise it.
Ask them why for four straight years Bidens videos struggle to get a thousand views whereas Trumps routinely get millions. Ask them why people turn up in their tens to see Biden and their tens of thousands to see Trump. Ask them why every time Trump enters an arena he gets a unanimous roar of USA but Burden gets a deafening FJB. Etc etc etc. But but but the court said there was no fraudzzzz.
There is absolutely no point wasting time on people who believe someone else rather than their own eyes and ears. We just need to get control of their Overton window, it's not like they'll even realise it.
Ask them why for four straight years Bidens videos struggle to get a thousand views whereas Trumps routinely get millions. Ask them why people turn up in their tens to see Biden and their tens of thousands to see Trump. Ask them why every time Trump enters an arena he gets a unanimous roar of USA but Burden gets a deafening FJB. Etc etc etc. But but but the court said there was no fraudzzzz.
There is absolutely no point wasting time on people who believe someone else rather than their own eyes and ears. They are brain-dead.
Ask them why for four straight years Bidens videos struggle to get a thousand views whereas Trumps routinely get millions. Ask them why people turn up in their tens to see Biden and their tens of thousands to see Trump. Ask them why every time Trump enters an arena he gets a unanimous roar of USA but Burden gets a deafening FJB. Etc etc etc. But but but the court said there was no fraudzzzz.
There is absolutely no point wasting time on people who believe someone else rather than their own eyes and years. They are brain-dead.