Again, just because you do not like a fact does not make it any less true. Your so-called acceptance of the premise or definition of allegiance is completely irrelevant. What is relevant is that the Supreme Court of the USA very clearly stated that a person born within the borders of the USA are literally and specifically natural born citizens regardless of the citizenship of their parents. Period. Short of the Supreme Court taking that definition up again in a new case, or a Constitutional Amendment, this fact will not ever change.
Again, just because you do not like a fact does not make it any less true. Your so-called acceptance of the premise or definition of allegiance is completely irrelevant. What is relevant is that the Supreme Court of the USA very clearly stated that a person born within the borders of the USA are literally and specifically natural born citizens. Period. Short of the Supreme Court taking that definition up again in a new case, or a Constitutional Amendment, this fact will not ever change.