Is Bitcoin tangible?
Is it Constitutional?
Is it a pyramid scheme to enslave those who don't have the knowledge of it?
Is it safe? What does it depend upon? Energy?
How does it fit in the 20 things on Trump's platform, particularly the item to make the U.S.Dollar the world currency? Or did I read that correctly?
Is Bitcoin minted?
Is Bitcoin tangible?
Is it Constitutional?
Is it a pyramid scheme to enslave those who don't have the knowledge of it?
Is it safe? What does it depend upon? Energy?
How does it fit in the 20 things on Trump's platform, particularly the item to make the U.S.Dollar the world currency? Or did I read that correctly?
Is Bitcoin tangible?
Is it Constitutional?
Is it a pyramid scheme to enslave those who don't have the knowledge of it?
Is it safe? What does it depend upon? Energy?