I started to look into things.
He gets the name of the company room, there is not Yearick Armory Explosives, in Mesa, it's YEARICK ARMORY LLC
In that same thread someone says that Tyson guy is lying.
That Tyson guy hid behind a wall and then pretended that by happenstance he ran into the girl... complete fraud, she came out after he rang the bell.
He links to a Facebook post by the guy who owns the company https://m.facebook.com/story.php?id=100003259980246&story_fbid=7887567418028513
Read what the owner of Yearick Armory says.
I started to look into things.
He gets the name of the company room, there is not Yearick Armory Explosives, in Mesa, it's YEARICK ARMORY LLC
In that same thread someone says that Tyson guy is lying.
That Tyson guy hid behind a wall and then pretended that by happenstance he ran into the girl... complete fraud, she came out after he rang the bell.
He links to. Facebook post by the guy who owns the company https://m.facebook.com/story.php?id=100003259980246&story_fbid=7887567418028513
I started to look into things.
He gets the name of the company room, there is not Yearick Armory Explosives, in Mesa, it's YEARICK ARMORY LLC
In that same thread someone says that Tyson guy is lying.
That Tyson guy hid behind a wall and then pretended that by happenstance he ran into the girl... complete fraud, she came out after he rang the bell.
He links to. Facebook post by the guy who owns the company