You could use this wealth to bridge a temporary Line of Credit that will keep all vital systems alive until a new currency can be floated. Id freeze all wealth that belongs to Corporations rather than individuals. Over time unfreeze it as it assigns itself to massive projects that will preserve Humanity and the value of the equity long into the future. I've previously spoken about a Universal Brotherhood that is comprised of Hard workers and financiers up to a Million dollars each. They become the active groups who move Humanity into the secure future.
You could use this wealth to bridge a temporary Line of Credit that will keep all vital systems alive until a new currency can be floated. Id freeze all wealth that belongs to Corporations rather than individuals. Over time unfreeze it as it assigns itself to massive projects that will preserve Humanity and the value of the equity long into the future. I've previously spoken about a Universal Brotherhood that is compromised of Hard workers and financiers up to a Million dollars each. They become the active groups who move Humanity into the secure future.