Tribute...John Tooby (1952-2023) Tooby was known for his work with his collaborators to integrate cognitive science, cultural anthropology, evolutionary biology, paleoanthropology, cognitive neuroscience, and hunter-gatherer studies to create the new field of evolutionary psychology, toward the goal of the progressive mapping of the universal evolved cognitive and neural architecture that constitutes human nature and provides the basis of the learning mechanisms responsible for culture.
What Is Left Of The Mind
CLOTASTROPHE! Why is no one in Congress or anywhere in officialdom talking about this “GREATEST PUBLIC HEALTH DISASTER OF ALL TIME”???
Cancers with an Exceptional Cause...Epigenetic control of gene expression can switch on genes that push cell division into overdrive independently of genetic faults.
Why Can’t we Admit Age is a (Biologically) Meaningful Number?
Can AI Read Your Mind?
Tribute...John Tooby (1952-2023) Tooby was known for his work with his collaborators to integrate cognitive science, cultural anthropology, evolutionary biology, paleoanthropology, cognitive neuroscience, and hunter-gatherer studies to create the new field of evolutionary psychology, toward the goal of the progressive mapping of the universal evolved cognitive and neural architecture that constitutes human nature and provides the basis of the learning mechanisms responsible for culture.
What Is Left Of The Mind
Cancers with an Exceptional Cause...Epigenetic control of gene expression can switch on genes that push cell division into overdrive independently of genetic faults.
Why Can’t we Admit Age is a (Biologically) Meaningful Number?
Can AI Read Your Mind?
Tribute...John Tooby (1952-2023) Tooby was known for his work with his collaborators to integrate cognitive science, cultural anthropology, evolutionary biology, paleoanthropology, cognitive neuroscience, and hunter-gatherer studies to create the new field of evolutionary psychology, toward the goal of the progressive mapping of the universal evolved cognitive and neural architecture that constitutes human nature and provides the basis of the learning mechanisms responsible for culture.
What Is Left Of The Mind
Cancers with an Exceptional Cause...Epigenetic control of gene expression can switch on genes that push cell division into overdrive independently of genetic faults.
Why Can’t we Admit Age is a (Biologically) Meaningful Number?
What Is Left Of The Mind
Cancers with an Exceptional Cause...Epigenetic control of gene expression can switch on genes that push cell division into overdrive independently of genetic faults.
What Is Left Of The Mind