Identities get taken over and used by both sides. Jimmy Carter is interesting example. Blackhats and whitehats have been fighting over his identity and control of Carter Foundation for nearly 55 years. 1976 election got rigged for Carter and then he appears to have been put into submission and forced to support “election integrity” through Carter Foundation as penance. Blackhats didn’t like that so they infiltrated and used him and Foundation to help initiate and justify coups as “color revolutions”, using “election integrity” as cover.
Whitehats? tried to publicly kill him off with pancreatic cancer to stop blackhat exploitation, but they countered, using him to push expensive Big Pharma pancreatic cancer drug.
Once an identity has a certain level of actual power or media narrative power it is milked as long as possible to recoup the considerable globalist investment put into them and their families via bribery, benefits, etc. Carter Identity appears to be special for some reason as former C-I-C.
HRC identity has some public exposure role to play yet. Some people are so dangerous (possessed with demons) or valuable that they must be put down to avoid additional plots and damages as they attempt a jailbreak. Public justice or disclosure can then be administered in a controlled manner. We are likely to see video of McCain and others’ military tribunal at some point after Mockingbird media shutdown, imo.
Behind-the-scenes military tribunals for treason are REAL. After NoName Q proof I went back through history and found 4 other “death signatures” that match. They are John Dulles (1959), Allen Dulles (1969), Lyndon Johnson (1973), and Nelson Rockefeller (1979). Post NoName GHW Bush Sr (2018) also matches. All high probability executed for treason after military tribunal. All also appear to be “foreign agents”.
Identities get taken over and used by both sides. Jimmy Carter is interesting example. Blackhats and whitehats have been fighting over his identity and control of Carter Foundation for nearly 55 years. 1976 election got rigged for Carter and then he appears to have been put into submission and forced to support “election integrity” through Carter Foundation as penance. Blackhats didn’t like that so they infiltrated and used him and Foundation to help initiate and justify coups as “color revolutions”, using “election integrity” as cover.
Whitehats? tried to publicly kill him off with pancreatic cancer to stop blackhat exploitation, but they countered, using him to push expensive Big Pharma pancreatic cancer drug.
Once an identity has a certain level of actual power or media narrative power it is milked as long as possible to recoup the considerable globalist investment put into them and their families via bribery, benefits, etc.
HRC identity has some public exposure role to play yet. Some people are so dangerous (possessed with demons) or valuable that they must be put down to avoid additional plots and damages as they attempt a jailbreak. Public justice or disclosure can then be administered in a controlled manner. We are likely to see video of McCain and others’ military tribunal at some point after Mockingbird media shutdown, imo.
Behind-the-scenes military tribunals for treason are REAL. After NoName Q proof I went back through history and found 4 other “death signatures” that match. They are John Dulles (1959), Allen Dulles (1969), Lyndon Johnson (1973), and Nelson Rockefeller (1979). Post NoName GHW Bush Sr (2018) also matches. All high probability executed for treason after military tribunal. All also appear to be “foreign agents”.
Identities get taken over and used by both sides. Jimmy Carter is interesting example. Blackhats and whitehats have been fighting over his identity and control of Carter Foundation for nearly 55 years. 1976 election got rigged for Carter and then he appears to have been put into submission and forced to support “election integrity” through Carter Foundation as penance. Blackhats didn’t like that so they infiltrated and used him and Foundation to help initiate and justify coups as “color revolutions”, using “election integrity” as cover.
Whitehats? tried to publicly kill him off with pancreatic cancer to stop blackhat exploitation, but they countered, using him to push expensive Big Pharma pancreatic cancer drug.
Once an identity has a certain level of actual power or media narrative power it is milked as long as possible to recoup the considerable globalist investment put into them and their families via bribery, benefits, etc.
HRC identity has some public exposure role to play yet. Some people are so dangerous (possessed with demons) or valuable that they must be put down to avoid additional plots and damages as they attempt a jailbreak. Public justice or disclosure can then be administered in a controlled manner. We are likely to see video of McCain and others’ military tribunal at some point after Mockingbird media shutdown, imo.
Behind-the-scenes military tribunals for treason are REAL. After NoName Q proof I went back through history and found 4 other “death signatures” that match. They are John Dulles (1959), Allen Dulles (1969), Lyndon Johnson (1973), and Nelson Rockefeller (1979). Post NoName GHW Bush Sr (2018) also matches. All high probability executed for treason after military tribunal.
Identities get taken over and used by both sides. Jimmy Carter is interesting example. Blackhats and whitehats have been fighting over his identity and control of Carter Foundation for nearly 55 years. 1976 election got rigged for Carter and then he appears to have been put into submission and forced to support “election integrity” through Carter Foundation as penance. Blackhats didn’t like that so they infiltrated and used him and Foundation to help initiate and justify coups as “color revolutions”, using “election integrity” as cover.
Whitehats? tried to publicly kill him off with pancreatic cancer to stop blackhat exploitation, but they countered, using him to push expensive Big Pharma pancreatic cancer drug.
Once an identity has a certain level of actual power or media narrative power it is milked as long as possible to recoup the considerable globalist investment put into them and their families via bribery, benefits, etc.
HRC identity has some public exposure role to play yet. Some people are so dangerous (possessed with demons) or valuable that they must be put down to avoid additional plots and damages as they attempt a jailbreak. Public justice or disclosure can then be administered in a controlled manner. We are likely to see video of McCain and others’ tribunal at some point after Mockingbird media shutdown, imo.