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Sorry for long rave - this clip set my almonds in motion.

It's Obama's people [hint: Obama = C I A] who wanted the hooks-into-Hilary, as they do with every presidential candidate, whoever they are. They wanted a nicy fat juicy one, not just the cockamemee dirty little Arkansas drug-deals that the agency already 'knew' about. This is why they were so Big MAd in 2016, because Trump didn't need no stinking millions to run, and he introduced a whole lot of popcorn into the elections, knowing a thing or two about self-promotion. Normally what happens is that these VIPs come up through the ranks and know the drill. But Trump just jumped in at the top.

This here episode is a game of Spy vs. Spy. The FBI (i.e. himself) was supposedly setting up the bait, (which was swallowed hook, line and sinker, BTW.) So, that means the CIA and the FBI were working hand-in-hand at the time, to 'influence an election' (This happened because it was one-sided - if only under the excuse to 'raise' money for 'the run' in a nice tidy swoop - hey it's one little deal, and hey they do that to all the girls - so all the mechanisms are in place). But things are never that simple in the intelligence-manufacturing game. Perhaps one agency was setting up the other in a power-play, or likely, vice versa.

Then this story comes out, and we wonder if there is another faction in the FBI (or is it?), who are now investigating the first (bribery scandal) lot, maybe. (LOL, for Q-appreciators)

I do have trouble with Byrne, because he is so intimate with the FBI - I mean, he admits that he set up the 'Turkish' deal.

Also Sidebar: I wonder what the Turks will do now? They know Hilary took the money and basically 'ran' without 'Winning'. Indeed there was the whole side-of-beef incident carefully memed across the world. So did Turkey kind-a losted out on the wee bribe? Were the promises to be fulfilled when Madame was in power? OR did MAdame-to-be pull some immediate strings? However, we don't know. Turks are traditionally not just two-faced, but facing in every direction like a whirling dervish. And it was their akshually government, who supposedly paid it to a US presidential candidate, but for what legitimate reason? - given that they do have things like budgets and an explanation to make for their population? Was it an arms-deal? You see, I am not sure that they have a budget for blatant bribery. Did they get what they wanted? Was it a PAy-to-play in-the-future scheme or was it immediate gratification? Perhaps they learned a lesson in Western deception and fickle-ness? And now they want to be part of BRICS and the Shanghai corporation. Of course they do.

My point above is, this thing has geo-political implications. Turkey may become a whistleblower in the international sphere, or not. If they do, it is a major blow for US intelligence, and a boon for the rest of the world. But losing a NATO ally has implications too, so I can smell some major CYA coming from that part of the world, but then: What's new?. But then that would mean the USA betrayed Israel. Ooof.

One does not just be a casual informant for the Feds and facilitate VIP/foreign government 'deals'. Patrick might as well be a Fed himself, even as he claims he was just 'doing a job FOR' them. He was 'just' a contractor?

And that means we have to understand that there may be a deeper game being played. MAybe NATO was counting on the formidable Turkish Army to 'keep out the jungle' or something, and cancelling them, i.e. Trump = fend for yourselves, means the end of Europe as we know it (But then they were always USA playthings) - And I wonder about the implications. Maybe Europe need to learn a lesson. BTW. What else could Hilary offer the Turks, apart from arms, that is something they could not refuse? Now, the Turks are threatening to 'end' the senseless killing South of them - prolly (conjecture) with lots of ill-gotten, but legitimately laundered (Lybian?) arms. And the Russians and Chinese are murmuring about the inexcusable genocide too. So What's next? WW3 and Israel for last?

Is Patrick a legit whistleblower? Or is there an agenda? Which way will cause WW3 (Deep State vs. the People) the most - prolly NCSWIC at this point? If so, what is Patrick's agenda, then? Will this story prevent WW3 - but then this revelation has to dismantle the spook agencies instead of continuing the madness of the MIC. And the big story then, is that 18M dollar international bribes were so common-place and facilitated and US presidents have all been frauds.

His story is that he no longer wants to keep that secret (fair enough), so has turned whistleblower i.e. joined the human race. Or has he - is he still working for them, or not? But it is dangerous to be a whistleblower and that would mean he would need protection. From who, is the q-westion?

225 days ago
1 score
Reason: Original

Sorry for long rave - this clip set my almonds in motion.

It's Obama's people [hint: Obama = C I A] who wanted the hooks-into-Hilary, as they do with every presidential candidate, whoever they are. They wanted a nicy fat juicy one, not just the cockamemee dirty little Arkansas drug-deals that the agency already 'knew' about. This is why they were so Big MAd in 2016, because Trump didn't need no stinking millions to run, and he introduced a whole lot of popcorn into the elections, knowing a thing or two about self-promotion. Normally what happens is that these VIPs come up through the ranks and know the drill. But Trump just jumped in at the top.

This here episode is a game of Spy vs. Spy. The FBI (i.e. himself) was supposedly setting up the bait, (which was swallowed hook, line and sinker, BTW.) So, that means the CIA and the FBI were working hand-in-hand at the time, to 'influence an election' (This happened because it was one-sided - if only under the excuse to 'raise' money for 'the run' in a nice tidy swoop - hey it's one little deal, and hey they do that to all the girls - so all the mechanisms are in place). But things are never that simple in the intelligence-manufacturing game. Perhaps one agency was setting up the other in a power-play, or likely, vice versa.

Then this story comes out, and we wonder if there is another faction in the FBI (or is it?), who are now investigating the first (bribery scandal) lot, maybe. (LOL, for Q-appreciators)

I do have trouble with Byrne, because he is so intimate with the FBI - I mean, he admits that he set up the 'Turkish' deal.

Also Sidebar: I wonder what the Turks will do now? They know Hilary took the money and basically 'ran' without 'Winning'. Indeed there was the whole side-of-beef incident carefully memed across the world. So did Turkey kind-a losted out on the wee bribe? Were the promises to be fulfilled when Madame was in power? OR did MAdame-to-be pull some immediate strings? However, we don't know. Turks are traditionally not just two-faced, but facing in every direction like a whirling dervish. And it was their akshually government, who supposedly paid it to a US presidential candidate, but for what legitimate reason? - given that they do have things like budgets and an explanation to make for their population? Was it an arms-deal? You see, I am not sure that they have a budget for blatant bribery. Did they get what they wanted? Was it a PAy-to-play in-the-future scheme or was it immediate gratification? Perhaps they learned a lesson in Western deception and fickle-ness? And now they want to be part of BRICS and the Shanghai corporation. Of course they do.

My point above is, this thing has geo-political implications. Turkey may become a whistleblower in the international sphere, or not. If they do, it is a major blow for US intelligence, and a boon for the rest of the world. But losing a NATO ally has implications too, so I can smell some major CYA coming from that part of the world, but then: What's new?.

One does not just be a casual informant for the Feds and facilitate VIP/foreign government 'deals'. Patrick might as well be a Fed himself, even as he claims he was just 'doing a job FOR' them. He was 'just' a contractor?

And that means we have to understand that there may be a deeper game being played. MAybe NATO was counting on the formidable Turkish Army to 'keep out the jungle' or something, and cancelling them, i.e. Trump = fend for yourselves, means the end of Europe as we know it (But then they were always USA playthings) - And I wonder about the implications. What else could Hilary offer the Turks, apart from arms, that is something they could not refuse? Now, the Turks are threatening to 'end' the senseless killing South of them - prolly with lots of ill-gotten, but legitimately laundered (Lybian?) arms. And the Russians and Chinese are murmuring about the inexcusable genocide too. So What's next? Israel for last?

Is Patrick a legit whistleblower? Or is there an agenda? Which way will cause WW3 (Deep State vs. the People) the most - prolly NCSWIC? If so, what is Patrick's agenda, then? Will this story prevent WW3 - but then this revelation has to dismantle the spook agencies. And the big story then, is that 18M dollar international bribes were so common-place and US presidents have all been frauds.

His story is that he no longer wants to keep that secret (fair enough), so has turned whistleblower i.e. joined the human race. Or has he - is he still working for them, or not? But it is dangerous to be a whistleblower and that would mean he would need protection. From who, is the q-westion?

225 days ago
1 score