They are no longer "activists". They are communists and traitors, following the Marx, Allinsky, and Cloward-Pivan playbooks, and deserve a punishment fitting both. It's high time that even some based folk get this through their heads. Bottom line.
One can throw theories and clues around all they want, but let's get to the fucking bottom line, huh? That's the only way things get done and problems get solved, then we can move to working on the solution. I know I'm being harsh, but geez... isn't it obvious now?!?!?
They are no longer "activists". They are communists and traitors, following the Marx, Allinsky, and Cloward-Pivan playbooks, and deserve a punishment fitting both. It's high time that even some based folk get this through their heads. Bottom line.
One can throw theories and clues around all they want, but let's get to the fucking bottom line, huh? That's the only way things get done and problems get solved, then we can move to working on the solution.
They are no longer "activists". They are communists and traitors, following the Marx, Allinsky, and Cloward-Pivan playbooks, and deserve a punishment fitting both. It's high time that even some based folk get this through their heads. Bottom line.
One can throw theories and clues around all they want, but let's get to the fucking bottom line, huh? That's the only way things get done.
They are no longer "activists". They are communists and traitors, following the Marx, Allinsky, and Cloward-Pivan playbooks, and deserve a punishment fitting both. It's high time that even some based folk get this through their heads.