Even among conservatives!
Men were saying, “well, she WAS born with a hooha and has basically been female her whole life.”
Easy response, “what’s ‘her’ bone density, and her muscle density, compared to the normal female athlete in ‘her’ weight class? What’s ‘her’ testosterone levels? Over time?”
None of this is the right question though, still.
The RIGHT question is: “Other than for self-defense, why should women be practicing boxing at ALL?” Is women punching each other competitively really the direction we should be moving societal values, ostensibly just because some people wrote and passed Title IX, and other people put out commercials singing, “anything you can do, I can do better”?
Even past this, sports as a whole need to be knocked down about 20 steps in societal importance. It’s turned into a giant money laundering and behavioral conditioning operation, resulting in our value systems not being consciously designed and chosen by us with an eye toward where we want to be. We should not let other people tell us what to value, just because they can make a buck by getting us to value it.
Someone once wrote, “It should be considered very undignified for a grown man to wear another man’s name on his clothing.” There’s something to that assertion that we’ve lost...
Even among conservatives!
Men were saying, “well, she WAS born with a hooha and has basically been female her whole life.”
Easy response, “what’s ‘her’ bone density, and her muscle density, compared to the normal female athlete in ‘her’ weight class?”
None of this is the right question though, still.
The RIGHT question is: “Other than for self-defense, why should women be practicing boxing at ALL?” Is women punching each other competitively really the direction we should be moving societal values, ostensibly just because some people wrote and passed Title IX, and other people put out commercials singing, “anything you can do, I can do better”?
Even past this, sports as a whole need to be knocked down about 20 steps in societal importance. It’s turned into a giant money laundering and behavioral conditioning operation, resulting in our value systems not being consciously designed and chosen by us with an eye toward where we want to be. We should not let other people tell us what to value, just because they can make a buck by getting us to value it.
Someone once wrote, “It should be considered very undignified for a grown man to wear another man’s name on his clothing.” There’s something to that assertion that we’ve lost...
Even among conservatives!
Men were saying, “well, she WAS born with a hooha and has basically been female her whole life.”
Easy response, “what’s ‘her’ bone density, and her muscle density, compared to the normal female athlete in ‘her’ weight class?”
None of this is the right question though, still.
The RIGHT question is: “Other than for self-defense, why should women be practicing boxing at ALL?” Is women punching each other competitively really the direction we should be moving societal values, ostensibly just because some people wrote and passed Title IX, and other people put out commercials singing, “anything you can do, I can do better”?
Even past this, sports as a whole need to be knocked down about 20 steps in societal importance. It’s turned into a giant money laundering and behavioral conditioning operation, resulting in our value systems not being consciously designed and chosen by us with an eye toward where we want to be. We should not let other people tell us what to value, just because they can make a buck by getting us to value it.
Someone once wrote, “It should be considered very undignified for a grown man to wear another man’s name on his clothing.” There’s something to that..
Even among conservatives!
Men were saying, “well, she WAS born with a hooha and has basically been female her whole life.”
Easy response, “what’s ‘her’ bone density, and her muscle density, compared to the normal female athlete in ‘her’ weight class?”
None of this is the right question though, still.
The RIGHT question is: “Other than for self-defense, why should women be practicing boxing at ALL?” Is women punching each other competitively really the direction we should be moving societal values, ostensibly just because some people wrote and passed Title IX, and other people put out commercials singing, “anything you can do, I can do better”?
Even past this, sports as a whole need to be knocked down about 20 steps in societal importance. It’s turned into a giant money laundering and behavioral conditioning operation, resulting in our value systems not being consciously designed and chosen by us with an eye toward where we want to be. We should not let other people tell us what to value, just because they can make a buck by getting us to value it.
Even among conservatives!
Men were saying, “well, she WAS born with a hooha and has basically been female her whole life.”
Easy response, “what’s ‘her’ bone density, and her muscle density, compared to the normal female athlete in ‘her’ weight class?”
None of this is the right question though, still.
The RIGHT question is: “Other than for self-defense, why should women be practicing boxing at ALL?” Is women punching each other competitively really the direction we should be moving societal values, ostensibly just because some people wrote and passed Title IX, and other people put out commercials singing, “anything you can do, I can do better”?
Even past this, sports as a whole need to be knocked down about 20 steps in societal importance. Our value systems are not being consciously designed and chosen by us, with an eye toward where we want to be. We should not let other people tell us what to value, just because they can make a buck by getting us to value it.
Even among conservatives!
Men were saying, “well, she WAS born with a hooha and has basically been female her whole life.”
Easy response, “what’s ‘her’ bone density, and her muscle density, compared to the normal female athlete in ‘her’ weight class?”
None of this is the right question though, still.
The RIGHT question is: “Other than for self-defense, why should women be practicing boxing at ALL?” Is women punching each other competitively really the direction we should be moving societal values, ostensibly just because some people wrote and passed Title IX, and other people put out commercials singing, “anything you can do, I can do better”?