My dear sister what I share with you is for everyone to decide on for themselves. In visions it is common to see blurred faces. The faces revealed are what are important. You can look around but the blurred faces remain blurred. The information revealed will fulfill itself in time. When given by God as they are you worry about nothing about the nay sayers mocking you. They always disappear when the vision fullfills itself. You have no control of what is shown or knowledge of what is being revealed. But you feel spiritually a great feeling of absolute truth about something you have no idea about. Many times the information comes so fast you do not even have the ability to think. It plays out like a movie in a nano second.This is why one only asks God to show you.
This will also show you who are truly receiving visions and who are just windbags not to be trusted. The windbags claim of visions will not fulfill themselves. Noah was also mocked about the flood he stated was coming. As it came from God it fulfilled itself. The mockery stopped when the nay sayers were treading water but it was to late.
It is for you to decide if what I am sharing is fact or fiction. There is a reason I say I only know something when God reveals it. And all credit and Glory to God. This is not a testimony about me but one about God. I can not do these things and never feel worthy but giving great thanks and glory to God. We all have a spiritual connection to God. This they have hidden from you . I am just sharing what God has always had available for all his children. But only ask God ,as God will never harm or deceive you. This last part is important to always remember.
My dear sister what I share with you is for everyone to decide on for themselves. In visions it is common to see blurred faces. The faces revealed are what are important. You can look around but the blurred faces remain blurred. The information revealed will fulfill itself in time. When given by God as they are you worry nothing about the nay sayers mocking you. They always disappear when the vision fullfills itself. You have no control of what is shown or knowledge of what is being revealed. But you feel spiritually a great feeling of absolute truth about somehting you have no idea about. Many times the information comes so fast you do not even have the ability to think. It plays out like a movie in a nano second.This is why one only asks God to show you.
This will also show you who are truly receoving visions and who are just windbags not to be trusted. The windbags claim of visions will not fulfill themselves. Noah was also mocked about the flood he stated was coming. As it came from God it fulfilled itself. The mockery stopped when the nay sayers were treading water but it was to late.
It is for you to decide if what I sharing fact or fiction. There is a reason I say I only know something when God reveals it. And all credit and Glory to God. This is not a testimony about me but one about God. I can not do these things and never feel worthy but giving great thanks and glory to God. We all have a spiritual connection to God. This they have hidden from you . I am just sharing what God has always had available for all his children. But only ask God ,as God will never harm or deceive you. This last part is important to always remember.
My dear sister what I share with you is for everyone to decide on for themselves. In visions it is common to see blurred faces. The faces revealed are what are important. You can look around but the blurred faces remain blurred. The information revealed will fulfill itself in time. When given by God as they are you worry nothing about the nay sayers mocking you. They always disappear when the vision fullfills itself. You have no control of what is shown or knowledge of what is being revealed. But you feel spiritually a great feeling of absolute truth about somehting you have no idea about. Many times the information comes so fast you do not even have the ability to think. It plays out like a movie in a nano second.This is why one only asks God to show you.
This will also show you who are truly receoving visions and who are just windbags not to be trusted. The windbags claim of visions will not fulfill themselves. Noah was also mocked about the flood he stated was coming. As it came from God it fulfilled itself. The mockery stopped when the nay sayers were treading water but it was to late.
It is for you to decide if what I sharing fact or fiction. There is a reason I say I only know something when God reveals it. And all credit and Glory to God. This is not a testimony about me but one about God. I can not do these things and never feel worthy but giving great thanks and glory to God. We all have a spiritual connection to God. This they have hidden from you . I am just sharing what God has always had available for all his children. But only ask God ,as God will never harm or deceive you. This last part is important to always remember.