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(from my perspective...)

When it all boils down, one side of the cabal worships Lucifer, the snake in the garden who "enlightened" mankind by leading them to eat the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. They elevate human knowledge and wisdom to the level of God. In essence, they worship themselves, and the more "hidden knowledge" they obtain, the closer to "God-hood" they become. They advocate for mob-rule, "democracy", as they know that the most adept of the group will rise to the top. "Survival of the fittest"

Meanwhile the other side worships Lucifer from another angle, by putting him in place of Christ. They wrap their Luciferianism in Christian clothes and call it the one true church. They seek to restore a theocratic-dictatorship with power over the entire world. Much like their fore-runner Nimrod and his infamous Tower of Babel, they opt for the pope to be the supreme King-Priest on earth, with all other rulers subject to him alone, as he is the "chief representative of Christ".

They are both Luciferians, but on opposite ends of the power structure spectrum. One wants pure democracy with no monarchs, the other wants pure tyranny under a single monarch, the pope of Rome. Since this is a spectrum of power structures, there are surely Luciferian sects which fall somewhere in the middle -- but that doesn't matter, for whichever end they are closer to, they further the goals of that extreme. It's a goddamned global Luciferian tug of war with true Christians and anybody else who rejects Luciferianism systems of belief caught in the middle!

As with everything related to life on earth, God is able and said to work through wicked systems and men, as well as righteous ones. I am not saying that every member of these groups are bent on evil, as most don't even understand what they're a part of. The top levels keep the Luciferian stuff hidden. I also am not saying that every action taken by these groups has resulted in evil. Much of what they do is beneficial to God's Kingdom. What's the verse go, "the wealth of the wicked is stored up for the righteous", and "all things work together for good for those who love God"... indeed it is!

219 days ago
1 score
Reason: Original

(from my perspective...)

When it all boils down, one side of the cabal worships Lucifer, the snake in the garden who "enlightened" mankind by leading them to eat the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. They elevate human knowledge and wisdom to the level of God. In essence, they worship themselves, and the more "hidden knowledge" they obtain, the closer to "God-hood" they become. They advocate for mob-rule, "democracy", as they know that the most adept of the group will rise to the top. "Survival of the fittest"

Meanwhile the other side worships Lucifer from another angle, by putting him in place of Christ. They wrap their Luciferianism in Christian clothes and call it the one true church. They seek to restore a theocratic-dictatorship with power over the entire world. Much like their fore-runner Nimrod and his infamous Tower of Babel, they opt for the pope to be the supreme King-Priest on earth, with all other rulers subject to him alone, as he is the "chief representative of Christ".

They are both Luciferians, but on opposite ends of the power structure spectrum. One wants pure democracy with no monarchs, the other wants pure tyranny under a single monarch, the pope of Rome. Since this is a spectrum of power structures, there are surely Luciferian sects which fall somewhere in the middle -- but that doesn't matter, for whichever end they are closer to, they further the goals of that extreme. It's a goddamned global Luciferian tug of war with true Christians and anybody else who rejects Luciferianism systems of belief caught in the middle!

219 days ago
1 score