Downvotes incoming... The problem is that many pedes have posted links to videos of the Michigan rally. That most viral photo DOES look totally sus, and it may have been photoshopped or A.I. enhanced in some way. That said, that rally has multiple videos from multiple angles available online. I don't have the links but as I said, multiple pedes here have posted multiple video links. There really was a large crowd at that rally. I think Trump was baited and took the bait. How did they get thousands that rally? Compensation, celebrity promotion, etc.
Edit, here are some links:
[@purkiss80 / MODS - you SHOULD take these links and perma-pin them for awhile, pedes NEED to see that this event was real and we took the bait... and Trump took the bait! Whoever released that AI-looking photo was likely baiting us all, and Trump! It worked!]
@cottonstreet posted this link a few days ago on another thread, this is CLEARLY demonstrating that this crowd was REAL:
"I don't know.
Somehow this Ai got the shadow of the hangar across the crowd right, there are no six-fingered hands, the text all looks correct, and it all matches up pretty well with this video... "
Posted by @girouxc "It seems like there really was a large crowd there. "
Downvotes incoming... The problem is that many pedes have posted links to videos of the Michigan rally. That most viral photo DOES look totally sus, and it may have been photoshopped or A.I. enhanced in some way. That said, that rally has multiple videos from multiple angles available online. I don't have the links but as I said, multiple pedes here have posted multiple video links. There really was a large crowd at that rally. I think Trump was baited and took the bait. How did they get thousands that rally? Compensation, celebrity promotion, etc.
Edit, here are some links:
[@purkiss / MODS - you SHOULD take these links and perma-pin them for awhile, pedes NEED to see that this event was real and we took the bait... and Trump took the bait! Whoever released that AI-looking photo was likely baiting us all, and Trump! It worked!]
@cottonstreet posted this link a few days ago on another thread, this is CLEARLY demonstrating that this crowd was REAL:
"I don't know.
Somehow this Ai got the shadow of the hangar across the crowd right, there are no six-fingered hands, the text all looks correct, and it all matches up pretty well with this video... "
Posted by @girouxc "It seems like there really was a large crowd there. "
Downvotes incoming... The problem is that many pedes have posted links to videos of the Michigan rally. That most viral photo DOES look totally sus, and it may have been photoshopped or A.I. enhanced in some way. That said, that rally has multiple videos from multiple angles available online. I don't have the links but as I said, multiple pedes here have posted multiple video links. There really was a large crowd at that rally. I think Trump was baited and took the bait. How did they get thousands that rally? Compensation, celebrity promotion, etc.
Edit, here are some links:
[MODS - you SHOULD take these links and perma-pin them for awhile, pedes NEED to see that this event was real and we took the bait... and Trump took the bait! Whoever released that AI-looking photo was likely baiting us all, and Trump! It worked!]
@cottonstreet posted this link a few days ago on another thread, this is CLEARLY demonstrating that this crowd was REAL:
"I don't know.
Somehow this Ai got the shadow of the hangar across the crowd right, there are no six-fingered hands, the text all looks correct, and it all matches up pretty well with this video... "
Posted by @girouxc "It seems like there really was a large crowd there. "
Downvotes incoming... The problem is that many pedes have posted links to videos of the Michigan rally. That most viral photo DOES look totally sus, and it may have been photoshopped or A.I. enhanced in some way. That said, that rally has multiple videos from multiple angles available online. I don't have the links but as I said, multiple pedes here have posted multiple video links. There really was a large crowd at that rally. I think Trump was baited and took the bait. How did they get thousands that rally? Compensation, celebrity promotion, etc.
Edit, here are some links:
[MODS - you SHOULD take these links and perma-pin them for awhile, pedes NEED to see that this event was real and we took the bait... and Trump took the bait! Whoever released that AI-looking photo was likely baiting us all, and Trump! It worked!]
@cottonstreet posted this link a few days ago on another thread, this is CLEARLY demonstrating that this crowd was REAL:
"I don't know.
Somehow this Ai got the shadow of the hangar across the crowd right, there are no six-fingered hands, the text all looks correct, and it all matches up pretty well with this video... "
Posted by @girouxc "It seems like there really was a large crowd there. "
Downvotes incoming... The problem is that many pedes have posted links to videos of the Michigan rally. That most viral photo DOES look totally sus, and it may have been photoshopped or A.I. enhanced in some way. That said, that rally has multiple videos from multiple angles available online. I don't have the links but as I said, multiple pedes here have posted multiple video links. There really was a large crowd at that rally. I think Trump was baited and took the bait. How did they get thousands that rally? Compensation, celebrity promotion, etc.