What changed was that the harpy Witch Queen got up on National television, and before all the sleepers, seeded the spell into their heads upon which they operate, that …
“He’s a racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, islamophobic”
… all the aspects that they’d already been programmed to see as “literally Hitler”, which is the worst thing ever - worse than Satan himself!
At that point, all the programming engages, the spell is cast, the die is in motion, and the story will continue until it’s dénouement.
We are now watching automatons run out their programming, with the hope being that they somehow wake up from the spell, from the hypno-sis, from sleep - a great awakening if you will.
What triggers that? Hell if I know.
I tell you this, I want to know where all these new people are coming from, because NO ONE where I live is anyone who would be recognizable as a native anymore - of any ethnicity. That part is still concerning to me, and all I can hope is that this is the part where The Word somehow goes out to every nation.
What changed was that the harpy Witch Queen got up on National television, and before all the sleepers, seeded the spell into their heads upon which they operate, that …
“He’s a racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, islamophobic”
… all the aspects that they’d already been programmed to see as “literally Hitler”, which is the worst thing ever - worse than Satan himself!
At that point, all the programming engages, the spell is cast, the die is in motion, and the story will continue until it’s dénouement.
We are now watching automatons run out their programming, with the hope being that they somehow wake up from the spell, from the hypno-sis, from sleep - a great awakening if you will.
What triggers that? Hell if I know.
I tell you this, I want to know where all these newpeople are coming from, because NO ONE where I live is anyone who would be recognizable as a native anymore - of any ethnicity. That part is still concerning to me, and all I can hope is that this is the part where The Word somehow goes out to every nation.
What changed was that the harpy Witch Queen got up on National television, and before all the sleepers, seeded the spell into their heads upon which they operate, that …
“He’s a racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, islamophobic”
… all the aspects that they’d already been programmed to see as “literally Hitler”, which is the worst thing ever - worse than Satan himself!
At that point, all the programming engages, the spell is cast, the die is in motion, and the story will continue until it’s dénouement.
We are now watching automatons run out their programming, with the hope being that they somehow wake up from the spell, from the hypno-sis, from sleep - a great awakening if you will.
What triggers that? Hell if I know.
I tell you this, I want to know where all these people are coming from, because NO ONE where I live is anyone who would be recognizable as a native anymore - of any ethnicity. That part is still concerning to me, and all I can hope is that this is the part where The Word somehow goes out to every nation.
What changed was that the harpy Witch Queen got up on National television, and before all the empty husks, seeded the spell into their heads upon which they operate, that …
“He’s a racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, islamophobic”
… all the aspects that they’d already been programmed to see as “literally Hitler”, which is the worst thing ever - worse than Satan himself!
At that point, all the programming engages, the spell is cast, the die is in motion, and the story will continue until it’s dénouement.
We are now watching automatons run out their programming, with the hope being that they somehow wake up from the spell, from the hypno-sis, from sleep - a great awakening if you will.
What triggers that? Hell if I know.
I tell you this, I want to know where all these people are coming from, because NO ONE where I live is anyone who would be recognizable as a native anymore - of any ethnicity. That part is still concerning to me, and all I can hope is that this is the part where The Word somehow goes out to every nation.
What changed was that the harpy Witch Queen got up on National television, and before all the empty husks, seeded the spell into their heads upon which they operate, that …
“He’s a racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, islamophobic”
… all the aspects that they’d already been programmed to see as “literally Hitler”, which is the worst thing ever - worse than Satan himself!
At that point, all the programming engages, the spell is cast, the die is in motion, and the story will continue until it’s dénouement.
We are now watching automatons run out their programming, with the hope being that they somehow wake up from the spell, from the hypno-sis, from sleep - a great awakening if you will.
What triggers that? Hell if I know.
I tell you this, I want to know where all these people are coming from, because NO ONE where I live is anyone who would be recognizable as a native anymore - of any ethnicity. That part is still concerning to me.