Take away the fake news pump she barely gets 15% support in real polls on X using tens of thousands a samples from random people. Higher sample size indicates pretty accurate sentiment of < 34 aged crowd within +/- of 2%.
Real overall support is very likely < 25% of legit registered voters (all demographics). We are seeing the media power in fabrication of a fake “strong candidate”, but I’m not complaining. I’m rooting for Kamala to “win” with 120M+ votes. It has to be ridiculous to wake people up. [actual registered voters is somewhere around 160-165M, so her winning 75% of all possible voters would be a good thing, especially if Trump gets 117M, then we somehow have 237M votes cast out of 160M possible].
Take away the fake news pump she barely gets 15% support in real polls on X using tens of thousands a samples from random people. Higher sample size indicates pretty accurate sentiment of < 34 aged crowd within +/- of 2%.
Real overall support is very likely < 25% of legit registered voters (all demographics). We are seeing the media power in fabrication of a fake “strong candidate”, but I’m not complaining. I’m rooting for Kamala to “win” with 120M+ votes. It has to be ridiculous to wake people up. [actual registered voters is somewhere around 160-165M, so her winning 75% of all possible voters would be a good thing, especially if Trump gets 117M, then we have somehow 237M votes cast].
Take away the fake news pump she barely gets 15% support in real polls on X using tens of thousands a samples from random people. Higher sample size indicates pretty accurate sentiment of < 34 aged crowd within +/- of 2%.
Real overall support is very likely < 25% of legit registered voters (all demographics). We are seeing the media power in fabrication of a fake “strong candidate”, but I’m not complaining. I’m rooting for Kamala to “win” with 120M+ votes. It has to be ridiculous to wake people up.