Many thanks indeed. I only use YT on my phone when working with a disabled gentleman who likes to have classical music on in the car as it helps with his regulation. It's so distracting having Shostakovich on one minute then a bloody piece of asinine Fortune 500 sheeple-spellbinding shite starts blaring out, which I can't do anything about whilst driving.
Many thanks indeed. I only use YT on my phone when working with a disabled gentleman who likes to have classical music on in the car as it helps with his regulation. It's so distracting having Shostakovich on one minute then a bloody piece of asinine Fortune 500 sheeple-spellbinding shite starts blaring out, which you can't do anything about whilst driving.
Many thanks indeed. I only use YT on my phone when working with a disabled gentleman who likes to have classical music on in the car as it helps with his regulation. It's so distracting having Shostakovich on one minute then a bloody piece of asinine Fortune 500 shite starts blaring out, which you can't do anything about whilst driving.