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My point being that if you get the name of the book wrong you're probably going to get the contents of the book wrong as well. You didn't just accidentally add an S. You thought it was Revelations. You were clearly wrong. This should make you question what else you are potentially wrong about if you could be wrong about something so basic.

The end of days referred to the end of the age. This was written before the destruction of Rome in 70 AD. Jesus said this generation shall not pass till all these things take place. That generation has passed. Those things took place.

Must Christians these days have been taught or interpret that as the end of the world where they will be yeeted up to heaven In a pre-tribulation rapture. The problem with that is the tribulation already happened around 70 AD with the with rums siege and destruction of Jerusalem and the temple.

And guess who escaped that? Christians that read the signs and fled to the mountains when they saw Rome, the abomination of desolation, surrounding the temple, the holiest of holies.

You are looking to the future for things that have already happened.

You're taking an eschatological position that's only about 200 years old and not the position that the church is held for about 1800 years.

God wins. These verses help give you an idea of that....

As to the expansion of God's kingdom there will be no end.

Sit in my right hand while I make all of your enemies your footstool (That's God saying that to Jesus and that first appears in the Bible more than any other. Arguably God's favorite Bible verse)

Ask of me and I will give you all of the world as your inheritance (again that's God saying that to Jesus. That begs the question, do you think Jesus forgot to ask?)

Book of Revelation is over 40% quotes and references to the Old testament. It was referring to a localized judgment of Jerusalem within the lifetime of Jesus for crucifying their Messiah.

Everything in it lines up perfectly with historic events and secular accounts like the histories of Josephus and others. If you ignore that and try to make it about future events you have to make these ridiculous leaps of logic like lotuses being Apache helicopters and other such silliness.

And you can think the Schofield reference Bible for all of this. That was the first Bible that had eschatological notes in it that was published about 200 years ago. Unfortunately this was the first Bible with footnotes in it that was widely adopted by pastors and seminaries and it spread this fringe teaching called premillennial dispensationalism or darbyism.

Arguably the greatest lie ever injected into the Christian church. Christians aren't fully obeying the great commission and taking Dominion over every sphere of the world and influence from government, business & entertainment. Christ's blood bought it all. Everything. Every single day belongs to Christ. From Christmas, to Easter, to Halloween, to Toyotathon.

The only thing left is final judgment when Christ returns and puts an in to sin and the wicked are removed from the Earth in a fiery judgment just like the parable of the wheat and the tares. In those days it will be just like in the days of Noah. The ark, which was a symbolic prelude of Christ, is who we are safe in while the judgment comes upon those not in Him.

So yes, you have no fucking clue.

29 days ago
1 score
Reason: Original

My point being that if you get the name of the book wrong you're probably going to get the contents of the book wrong as well. You didn't just accidentally add an S. You thought it was Revelations. You were clearly wrong. This should make you question what else you are potentially wrong about if you could be wrong about something so basic.

The end of days referred to the end of the age. This was written before the destruction of Rome in 70 AD. Jesus said this generation shall not pass till all these things take place. That generation has passed. Those things took place.

Must Christians these days have been taught or interpret that as the end of the world where they will be yeeted up to heaven In a pre-tribulation rapture. The problem with that is the tribulation already happened around 70 AD with the with rums siege and destruction of Jerusalem and the temple.

And guess who escaped that? Christians that read the signs and fled to the mountains when they saw Rome, the abomination of desolation, surrounding the temple, the holiest of holies.

You are looking to the future for things that have already happened.

You're taking an eschatological position that's only about 200 years old and not the position that the church is held for about 1800 years.

God wins. These verses help give you an idea of that....

As to the expansion of God's kingdom there will be no end.

Sit in my right hand while I make all of your enemies your footstool (That's God saying that to Jesus and that first appears in the Bible more than any other. Arguably God's favorite Bible verse)

Ask of me and I will give you all of the world as your inheritance (again that's God saying that to Jesus. That begs the question, do you think Jesus forgot to ask?)

Book of Revelation is over 40% quotes and references to the Old testament. It was referring to a localized judgment of Jerusalem within the lifetime of Jesus for crucifying their Messiah.

Everything in it lines up perfectly with historic events and skiller accounts like the histories of Josephus and others. If you ignore that and try to make it about future events you have to make these ridiculous leaps of logic like lotuses being Apache helicopters and other such silliness.

And you can think the Schofield reference Bible for all of this. That was the first Bible that had eschatological notes in it that was published about 200 years ago. Unfortunately this was the first Bible with footnotes in it that was widely adopted by pastors and seminaries and it spread this fringe teaching called premillennial dispensationalism or darbyism.

Arguably the greatest lie ever injected into the Christian church. Christians aren't fully obeying the great commission and taking Dominion over every sphere of the world and influence from government, business & entertainment. Christ's blood bought it all. Everything. Every single day belongs to Christ. From Christmas, to Easter, to Halloween, to Toyotathon.

The only thing left is final judgment when Christ returns and puts an in to sin and the wicked are removed from the Earth in a fiery judgment just like the parable of the wheat and the tares. In those days it will be just like in the days of Noah. The ark, which was a symbolic prelude of Christ, is who we are safe in while the judgment comes upon those not in Him.

So yes, you have no fucking clue.

30 days ago
1 score