How does one end a book of Psalms? It seems impossible, when the praises will go on and on forever, as God continues being in our lives, generation after generation. I guess the Bible writers had a time or space constraint, you know, in this world. Anyway, the songs are not finished, the praise is not finished, God's work is not finished because we continue to grow and seek him sincerely. PRAISE THE LORD!
So, what's next? I don't know, but it will be glorious.
Our heavenly Father, thank you for the songs of praise and prayer. Thank you for your Word and those that wrote it down and passed it on throughout time. Thank you that it still lives with us today in our hearts and minds resonating with everlasting, immutable truth. Thank you for the phenomena of every cell erupting in praise for your presence. Heal us, Lord, as we begin to see fully you among us. In Jesus' holy name I pray, Amen.
A Song:
Bonus Song:
Have a blessed day.