Given the amount of shady shit done and planned on Telegram.
There’s probably no shortage of people who are probably feeling very nervous and wondering if this is simply over Durov refusing someone important access to something they had no business accessing. Or if there is actually a legitimate case. And not a political witch hunt. And what that may mean for them. Timing and what I’ve seen of the reporting on it however would suggest he refused someone important something. And there are no real charges
But we were told to be careful who you follow and idolize. People are inclined to rally behind him because of the free speech policies. But what if that was just to buy clout and respect and use from fringe communities various entities and agencies would like to target and recruit useful idiots from?
I’m not suggesting it’s true. It is however a question worth broaching and considering.
Given the amount of shady shit done and planned on Telegram.
There’s probably no shortage of people who are probably feeling very nervous and wondering if this is simply over Durov refusing someone important access to something they had no business accessing. Or if there is actually a legitimate case. And not a political witch hunt. And what that may mean for them. Timing however would suggest he refused someone something.
But we were told to be careful who you follow and idolize. People are inclined to rally behind him because of the free speech policies. But what if that was just to buy clout and respect and use from fringe communities various entities and agencies would like to target and recruit useful idiots from?
I’m not suggesting it’s true. It is however a question worth broaching and considering.