Fantastic post and good reminder for myself lol. Also, back up your storage on your devices. There are apps and programs where you can set timed backups of your data. Best practice is to save all your stuff from research in a parent folder with subfolders for each category, and just back that folder up. You can do OneDrive or Google files too, but I would still choose another option in case theres an issue with cloud services. And for the obvious reason that they can delete it at any time or use it as ammo against you for a false charge.
Most importantly, MAKE A LOCAL BACKUP TO AN EXTERNAL DRIVE! Go the extra mile and get a faraday style sleeve for it and put it in a safe
Fantastic post and good reminder for myself lol. Also, back up your storage on your devices. There are apps and programs where you can set timed backups of your data. Best practice is to save all your stuff from research in a parent folder with subfolders for each category, and just back that folder up. You can do OneDrive or Google files too, but I would still choose another option in case theres an issue with cloud services. And for the obvious reason that they can delete it at any time or use it as ammo against you for a false charge.