I too not smoke,however thing is hemp is excellent source of cellulose and other things,so legalizing it could be really good for resource use,avoiding pollution and so too people's health. https://www.greenlifeorganics.com/cbd-blog/why-was-hemp-outlawed-in-the-united-states So also important thing:
Economic competition with Cotton, Timber and Synthetic Plastics
The real reason was NOT fighting with addiction but eliminating competition for powerful and rich businesses. And we know now synthetic plastics in clothing => microplastics => lower fertility of people and health problems.And as tobacco is legal there is no reason other plant shouldn't be...
I'm not some of those crazy leftist environmentalists,but if you can do it clean and healthy way...
I too not smoke,however thing is hemp is excellent source of cellulose and other things,so legalizing it could be really good for resource use,avoiding pollution and so too people's health. https://www.greenlifeorganics.com/cbd-blog/why-was-hemp-outlawed-in-the-united-states So also important thing:
Economic competition with Cotton, Timber and Synthetic Plastics
The real reason was NOT fighting with addiction but eliminating competition for powerful and rich businesses. And we know now synthetic plastics in clothing => microplastics => lower fertility of people and health problems.And as tobacco is legal there is no reason other plant shouldn't be...
I too not smoke,however thing is hemp is excellent source of cellulose and other things,so legalizing it could be really good for resource use,avoiding pollution and so too people's health. https://www.greenlifeorganics.com/cbd-blog/why-was-hemp-outlawed-in-the-united-states So also important thing:
Economic competition with Cotton, Timber and Synthetic Plastics
The real reason was NOT fighting with addiction but eliminating competition for powerful and rich. And we know now Synthetic Plastics in clothing => microplastics => lower fertility of people and health problems.And as tobacco is legal...