Uhhh, even more memoryholed is the assassination attempt immediately after he said he was going to "go away for a while" after saying some stuff about the pharma companies "that would make some powerful people very angry."
Uhhh, even more memoryholed is the assassination attempt in Aug. 2020 immediately after he said he was going to "go away for a while" after saying some stuff about the pharma companies "that would make some powerful people very angry."
Uhhh, even more memoryholed is the assassination attempt immediately after he said he was going to say some stuff about the pharma companies that would make some powerful people very angry. Then COVID happened.
Uhhh, even more memoryholed is the assassination attempt immediately after he said this: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2017/01/11/trump-on-drug-prices-pharma-companies-are-getting-away-with-murder/