Thanks TronAnon over at Rumble: ____ (at 35 min.25 seconds marker)____ This park has the obelisk from Egypt (Cleopatra’s Needle) and an oval (Great Lawn) similar to the layout in Washington, D.C. on The National Mall with the Washington Monument and The Ellipse near the White House.Q Alice posts 2636, 2053, 2050, 2049, 1789, TronAnon emphasizes 60 and 47. ____statue reference:
Thanks TronAnon over at Rumble: ____ (at 35 min.25 seconds marker)____ This park has the obelisk from Egypt (Cleopatra’s Needle) and an oval “Great Lawn) similar to the layout in Washington, D.C. on The National Mall with the Washington Monument and The Ellipse near the White House.Q Alice posts 2636, 2053, 2050, 2049, 1789, TronAnon emphasizes 60 and 47. ____statue reference:
Thanks TronAnon over at Rumble: ____ (at 35 min.25 seconds marker)____ This park has the obelisk from Egypt (Cleopatra’s Needle) and an oval “Great Lawn) similar to the layout in Washington, D.C. on The National Mall with the Washington Monument and The Ellipse near the White House.Q Alice posts 2636, 2053, 2050, 2049, 1789, TonAnon emphasizes 60 and 47. ____
Thanks TronAnon over at Rumble: ____ (at 35 min.25 seconds marker)____ This park has the obelisk from Egypt (Cleopatra’s Needle) and an oval “Great Lawn) similar to the layout in Washington, D.C. on The National Mall with the Washington Monument and The Ellipse near the White House.____Q Alice posts 2636, 2053, 2050, 2049, 1789, TonAnon emphasizes 60 and 47.
Thanks TronAnon over at Rumble: ____ (at 35 min.25 seconds marker)