Wow. I just had a funny thing happen to me. I was about to post a long explanatory essay on the hiring process of the various Alphabet agencies, having been recruited in the past (it was what I'll call a soft interview). They like to put feelers out there from time to time in certain military communities, usually to get an idea of a potential targeted hire, and usually because you've inadvertently worked with certain agencies that took a shine to you without your overt knowledge.
But, while I was typing it all out, my screen suddenly went blank and the browser I use on my phone immediately closed. When I came back to this post, what I had typed was gone. This is the first and only time something like that has ever happened to me, and I don't believe in coincidences, not when it comes to the spook type agencies. (high guys 👋)
So I'll say this instead, and will (unfortunately) keep it short:
It's a compelling story and a fun little scenario, but the hiring process isn't anything near what your story describes. Sorry to burst the fun bubble here, but I feel it's important to keep things in the proper context when dealing with or talking about the Alphabet Soup.
Yes, some people are recruited right out of high school or private/parochial schools, but those are very limited in numbers. Guys/Gals like Snowden, Zuckerberg and wife, Lex Friedman, Shapiro, etc. The (freakishly intelligent) genius level kids usually get spotted early on thru the various standardized tests used in Middle/High schools, STEM type summer camps, etc. Probably .01-.02% of H.S. graduates.
However, the rest are recruited in their Senior year of college thru the standard university job fair recruitment fairs. For the analyst positions, they get recruited and told to complete their Master's level program(s) and then go right into the hiring process.
For the field work type new hires, they either get hired from the military or after completing post-secondary university degree programs. The Tier 1-3 SOF and military Intel members are the most targeted for this type of work.
Unfortunately, I will have to cut this off here, as I believe it was my (probably overly detailed) explanation of this process that some govt spook lurker saw me posting in real time and decided to kill. I will include, though, that there are a lot of people recruited out of the military and civilian sector in ways that make them believe it was all their own ideas. (This is the "soft interview" process I mentioned earlier. I now know this is how they operate because it happened to me on more than one occasion, while on active duty and as a civilian.) More than half of all agency hires for field work come out of the military in this manner, as it takes people with certain abilities to do the field work required for the spook type agencies.) For obvious and not so obvious reasons I will not detail that process here, as I believe it was detailing that process that led to my first attempted reply getting killed. I will say, though, that if you follow certain people on social media, you'll be able to figure that process out fairly easily. Good luck with that, as it will invariably lead to you getting spotted on their radar (which kills the fun of being somewhat anonymous, right?), and maybe not in a good way. (As an aside, keep in mind that absolutely no one is digitally anonymous, not in the way it's commonly understood. Every digital device we use today reports directly back to either Google, Microsoft, or Apple, who then relays that digital info back to the Alphabet Agencies for their perusal. Doesn't matter if you use a VPN or so-called "secure" browser like Tor, you are still found and somewhere there's a file on you. Even "burner phones" are tracked and monitored. The only device I know of that doesn't do this is Erik Prince's phone that just came out, but they're expensive AF, and even then, I'm sure the Alphabet Soup is diligently working at finding a way to crack it. Just so everyone is in the same page here, if you download an app from Google Play or Apple's i-Store, even if it's Tor or a VPN, the U.S. govt (NSA/CIA/DIA/FBI) has the backdoor encryption keys for it. I know this because they wouldn't be allowed to be openly marketed and traded on government created communication lines, aka the internet. Unless you're a hacker and run your intent sessions thru dozens of securely linked proxies, and I mean 30+, you are tracked. This is how th NSA can comfortably and confidently claim "we have it all." So keep this in mind when you're on the web.)
So...that's where I'll leave it.
Edit: as always, don't just take my word for it on this, do your own research. There's plenty of info out there for you to find. Some, or most of you, won't believe me anyway, and that's fine. Doesn't matter to me. Just do your own research.
P.S. (Hello, gubmint shadow(s). Nice to see y'all are still doing your jobs of killing our fun around here. Fucking clowns. If you really feel the need to talk to me, y'all know where to find me.)
Wow. I just had a funny thing happen to me. I was about to post a long explanatory essay on the hiring process of the various Alphabet agencies, having been recruited in the past (it was what I'll call a soft interview). They like to put feelers out there from time to time in certain military communities, usually to get an idea of a potential targeted hire, and usually because you've inadvertently worked with certain agencies that took a shine to you without your overt knowledge.
But, while I was typing it all out, my screen suddenly went blank and the browser I use on my phone immediately closed. When I came back to this post, what I had typed was gone. This is the first and only time something like that has ever happened to me, and I don't believe in coincidences, not when it comes to the spook type agencies. (high guys 👋)
So I'll say this instead, and will (unfortunately) keep it short:
It's a compelling story and a fun little scenario, but the hiring process isn't anything near what your story describes. Sorry to burst the fun bubble here, but I feel it's important to keep things in the proper context when dealing with or talking about the Alphabet Soup.
Yes, some people are recruited right out of high school or private/parochial schools, but those are very limited in numbers. Guys/Gals like Snowden, Zuckerberg and wife, Lex Friedman, Shapiro, etc. The (freakishly intelligent) genius level kids usually get spotted early on thru the various standardized tests used in Middle/High schools, STEM type summer camps, etc. Probably .01-.02% of H.S. graduates.
However, the rest are recruited in their Senior year of college thru the standard university job fair recruitment fairs. For the analyst positions, they get recruited and told to complete their Master's level program(s) and then go right into the hiring process.
For the field work type new hires, they either get hired from the military or after completing post-secondary university degree programs. The Tier 1-3 SOF and military Intel members are the most targeted for this type of work.
Unfortunately, I will have to cut this off here, as I believe it was my (probably overly detailed) explanation of this process that some govt spook lurker saw me posting in real time and decided to kill. I will include, though, that there are a lot of people recruited out of the military and civilian sector in ways that make them believe it was all their own ideas. (This is the "soft interview" process I mentioned earlier. I now know this is how they operate because it happened to me on more than one occasion, while on active duty and as a civilian.) More than half of all agency hires for field work come out of the military in this manner, as it takes people with certain abilities to do the field work required for the spook type agencies.) For obvious and not so obvious reasons I will not detail that process here, as I believe it was detailing that process that led to my first attempted reply getting killed. I will say, though, that if you follow certain people on social media, you'll be able to figure that process out fairly easily. Good luck with that, as it will invariably lead to you getting spotted on their radar (which kills the fun of being somewhat anonymous, right?), and maybe not in a good way. (As an aside, keep in mind that absolutely no one is digitally anonymous, not in the way it's commonly understood. Every digital device we use today reports directly back to either Google, Microsoft, or Apple, who then relays that digital info back to the Alphabet Agencies for their perusal. Doesn't matter if you use a VPN or so-called "secure" browser like Tor, you are still found and somewhere there's a file on you. Even "burner phones" are tracked and monitored. The only device I know of that doesn't do this is Erik Prince's phone that just came out, but they're expensive AF, and even then, I'm sure the Alphabet Soup is diligently working at finding a way to crack it. Just so everyone is in the same page here, if you download an app from Google Play or Apple's i-Store, even if it's Tor or a VPN, the U.S. govt (NSA/CIA/DIA/FBI) has the backdoor encryption keys for it. I know this because they wouldn't be allowed to be openly marketed and traded on government created communication lines, aka the internet. Unless you're a hacker and run your intent sessions thru dozens of securely linked proxies, and I mean 30+, you are tracked. This is how th NSA can comfortably and confidently claim "we have it all." So keep this in mind when you're on the web.)
So...that's where I'll leave it.
P.S. (Hello, gubmint shadow. Nice to see y'all are still doing your jobs of killing our fun around here. Fucking clowns. If you really feel the need to talk to me, y'all know where to find me.)
Wow. I just had a funny thing happen to me. I was about to post a long explanatory essay on the hiring process of the various Alphabet agencies, having been recruited in the past (it was what I'll call a soft interview). They like to put feelers out there from time to time in certain military communities, usually to get an idea of a potential targeted hire, and usually because you've inadvertently worked with certain agencies that took a shine to you without your overt knowledge.
But, while I was typing it all out, my screen suddenly went blank and the browser I use on my phone immediately closed. When I came back to this post, what I had typed was gone. This is the first and only time something like that has ever happened to me, and I don't believe in coincidences, not when it comes to the spook type agencies. (high guys 👋)
So I'll say this instead, and will (unfortunately) keep it short:
It's a compelling story and a fun little scenario, but the hiring process isn't anything near what your story describes. Sorry to burst the fun bubble here, but I feel it's important to keep things in the proper context when dealing with or talking about the Alphabet Soup.
Yes, some people are recruited right out of high school or private/parochial schools, but those are very limited in numbers. Guys/Gals like Snowden, Zuckerberg and wife, Lex Friedman, Shapiro, etc. The (freakishly intelligent) genius level kids usually get spotted early on thru the various standardized tests used in Middle/High schools, STEM type summer camps, etc. Probably .01-.02% of H.S. graduates.
However, the rest are recruited in their Senior year of college thru the standard university job fair recruitment fairs. For the analyst positions, they get recruited and told to complete their Master's level program(s) and then go right into the hiring process.
For the field work type new hires, they either get hired from the military or after completing post-secondary university degree programs. The Tier 1-3 SOF and military Intel members are the most targeted for this type of work.
Unfortunately, I will have to cut this off here, as I believe it was my (probably overly detailed) explanation of this process that some govt spook lurker saw me posting in real time and decided to kill. I will include, though, that there are a lot of people recruited out of the military and civilian sector in ways that make them believe it was all their own ideas. (This is the "soft interview" process I mentioned earlier. I now know this is how they operate because it happened to me on more than one occasion, while on active duty and as a civilian.) More than half of all agency hires for field work come out of the military in this manner, as it takes people with certain abilities to do the field work requires for the spook type agencies.) For obvious and not so obvious reasons I will not detail that process here, as I believe it was detailing that process that led to my first attempted reply getting killed. I will say, though, that if you follow certain people on social media, you'll be able to figure that process out fairly easily. Good luck with that, as it will invariably lead to you getting spotted on their radar, and maybe not in a good way.
So, that's where I'll leave it.
P.S. (Hello, gubmint shadow. Nice to see y'all are still doing your jobs of killing our fun around here. Fucking clowns. If you really feel the need to talk to me, y'all know where to find me.)