I.Q. 70-80
Border-line deficiency, sometimes classifiable as dullness, often as feeble-mindedness
Scores of 70 to 79 are considered borderline impaired.
Dr. Jordan Peterson: Illegal in USA to induct anyone into the military with I.Q. < 83
She is in the 10% of the population [below 83 I.Q.] that is so stupid they "can't be trained to do anything useful to make them militarily operable"....and Kneepads thinks she's going to be Commander-in-Chief. Qeq!
Unbelievable: they dumped one mentally impaired imbecile with 50 years' experience and 14 million votes for another with none and none
I.Q. 70-80
Border-line deficiency, sometimes classifiable as dullness, often as feeble-mindedness
Scores of 70 to 79 are considered borderline impaired.
Dr. Jordan Peterson: Illegal in USA to induct anyone into the military with I.Q. < 83
....and Kneepads thinks she's going to be Commander-in-Chief
Unbelievable: they dumped one mentally impaired imbecile with 50 years' experience and 14 million votes for another with none
I.Q. 70-80
Border-line deficiency, sometimes classifiable as dullness, often as feeble-mindedness
Scores of 70 to 79 are considered borderline impaired.
Dr. Jordan Peterson: Illegal in USA to induct anyone into the military with I.Q. < 83
....and Kneepads thinks she's going to be Commander-in-Chief
Unbelievable: they dump one mentally impaired imbecile for another