I hope this dig to evaluate him will be helpful. 1) Videos of R. (Bob) Fletcher https://www.c-span.org/person/bob-fletcher/39892/ and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lZV4F-trxFQ 2) Organization background: My evaluation from memory of the ‘90s is that the group MOM did not seem to be a real militia but more of a hub for putting out their information mixed with tabloid-style material, but they did document the militarization of America.. ___ 3) Now to the links to evaluate this guy: R. Fletcher claimed the CIA took over his small business and used it for Iran-Contra era operations. a) https://southernchanges.digitalscholarship.emory.edu/sc10-3_001/sc10-3_009/#gsc.tab=0 ____ b) Orland Sentinel R. Fletcher ran for Congress in the primaries against McCollum (2021 story https://archive.ph/bNEj4 ). c) R. Fletcher was a regular guest on Dr. Stan Monteith’s Radio Liberty show (archive broadcasts https://www.conspiracyarchive.org/radioliberty/shows?combine=Fletcher ) and d) Bill Cooper / Hour of the Time discussed R. Fletcher ( https://beholdamessenger.com/hott-470-942 ) select episode 572
I hope this dig to evaluate him will be helpful. 1) Videos of R. (Bob) Fletcher https://www.c-span.org/person/bob-fletcher/39892/ and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lZV4F-trxFQ 2) Organization background: My evaluation from memory of the ‘90s is that the group MOM did not seem to be a real militia but more of a hub for putting out their information mixed with tabloid-style exaggerations. ___ 3) Now to the links to evaluate this guy: R. Fletcher claimed the CIA took over his small business and used it for Iran-Contra era operations. a) https://southernchanges.digitalscholarship.emory.edu/sc10-3_001/sc10-3_009/#gsc.tab=0 ____ b) Orland Sentinel R. Fletcher ran for Congress in the primaries against McCollum (2021 story https://archive.ph/bNEj4 ). c) R. Fletcher was a regular guest on Dr. Stan Monteith’s Radio Liberty show (archive broadcasts https://www.conspiracyarchive.org/radioliberty/shows?combine=Fletcher ) and d) Bill Cooper / Hour of the Time discussed R. Fletcher ( https://beholdamessenger.com/hott-470-942 ) select episode 572
I hope this dig to evaluate him will be helpful. 1) Videos of R. (Bob) Fletcher https://www.c-span.org/person/bob-fletcher/39892/ and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lZV4F-trxFQ 2) Organization background: That group MOM did not seem to be a real militia but more of a hub for putting out their information mixed with tabloid-style exaggerations. ___ 3) Now to the links to evaluate this guy: R. Fletcher claimed the CIA took over his small business and used it for Iran-Contra era operations. a) https://southernchanges.digitalscholarship.emory.edu/sc10-3_001/sc10-3_009/#gsc.tab=0 ____ b) Orland Sentinel R. Fletcher ran for Congress in the primaries against McCollum (2021 story https://archive.ph/bNEj4 ). c) R. Fletcher was a regular guest on Dr. Stan Monteith’s Radio Liberty show (archive broadcasts https://www.conspiracyarchive.org/radioliberty/shows?combine=Fletcher ) and d) Bill Cooper / Hour of the Time discussed R. Fletcher ( https://beholdamessenger.com/hott-470-942 ) select episode 572
I hope this dig to evaluate him will be helpful. 1) Videos of R. (Bob) Fletcher https://www.c-span.org/person/bob-fletcher/39892/ and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lZV4F-trxFQ 2) Organization background: That group MOM did not seem to be a real militia but more of a hub for putting out their information mixed with tabloid-style exaggerations. For example, they would feed the Liberty Lobby group’s Spotlight tabloid _ 3) Now to the links to evaluate this guy: R. Fletcher claimed the CIA took over his small business and used it for Iran-Contra era operations. a) https://southernchanges.digitalscholarship.emory.edu/sc10-3_001/sc10-3_009/#gsc.tab=0 ____ b) Orland Sentinel R. Fletcher ran for Congress in the primaries against McCollum (2021 story https://archive.ph/bNEj4 ). c) R. Fletcher was a regular guest on Dr. Stan Monteith’s Radio Liberty show (archive broadcasts https://www.conspiracyarchive.org/radioliberty/shows?combine=Fletcher ) and d) Bill Cooper / Hour of the Time discussed R. Fletcher ( https://beholdamessenger.com/hott-470-942 ) select episode 572