And that after two known assassination attempts on DJT, one nearly successful.
I think this tweet summarizes the most anyone can say about him, for or against, at this point.
Also notable that AJ rushed in to run cover for Miller, making a hilariously falsifiable comment that "a Libtard Sherrif just flipped out", referring to the openly pro Trump sheriff. LOL. Okay man.
And that after two known assassination attempts on DJT, one nearly successful.
I think this tweet summarizes the most anyone can say about him, for or against, at this point.
Also notable that AJ ran in to run cover for Miller, even making the hilariously falsifiable assertion "a Libtard Sherrif just flipped out", referring to the openly pro Trump sheriff. LOL. Okay man.
And that after two known assassination attempts on DJT, one nearly successful.
I think this tweet summarizes the most anyone can say about him, for or against, at this point.