The cabal desperately wants the public to accept transgenderism. In all my lifetime, I've never seen them push something so hard that the public blatantly rejects. That tells me that they have something coming down the road that requires a broader public acceptance of transgenderism. They are not doing this for no reason.
The satanists would love to have a tranny POTUS - baphomet would be pleased. The Democrats are in complete disarray as a party - Corrupt Joe cannot win - they cannot cheat enough to get him re-elected. They must go to their bullpen. The only person that they have is Big Mike but they know that he has this tranny baggage so they are trying to prepare the battlefield for the discussion of this issue and the acceptance of a tranny as POTUS. These people are sick!
The cabal desperately wants to public to accept transgenderism. In all my lifetime, I've never seen them push something so hard that the public blatantly rejects. That tells me that they have something coming down the road that requires a broader public acceptance of transgenderism. They are not doing this for no reason.
The satanists would love to have a tranny POTUS - baphomet would be pleased. The Democrats are in complete disarray as a party - Corrupt Joe cannot win - they cannot cheat enough to get him re-elected. They must go to their bullpen. The only person that they have is Big Mike but they know that he has this tranny baggage so they are trying to prepare the battlefield for the discussion of this issue and the acceptance of a tranny as POTUS. These people are sick!