They say time travel is impossible. They say nothing can travel the speed of light. I'm NOT a physicist. "They" say a lot of stuff.
What is the speed of thought? Computer programs are basically numerical. Thoughts and even us are composed of numbers. Of course, that is physical. If we are a computer simulation that is also true. If we are a simulation in a program - is there is a cheat? Or a way to move point to point like in a game? Or a way to accumulate wealth? Is everyone playing in the same game? Are there restarts and restore points? Apply everything you know about games to this supposed simulation. Who would be the top players in this game? Would they know they were playing a game? I'll say a few names living and dead: Nikola Tesla, Vlad Putin, Elon Musk, John Trump, Donald Trump & George Soros. Innovation, luck and skill. Suppose someone could create a distorted code within the simulation that could send info back earlier in the code? If we are in a simulation anything is possible. It wouldn't be in reality if there is such a thing.
They say we are in a movie. Same idea. So because a player character becomes aware it's a game they can now do almost anything. But they must be careful. Players can end and be out of the game. So, because you "know" you can send info back to yourself or someone else. Time isn't real. It's a series of events back to back and interwoven. And it's game history/back story. Suppose every time you sleep some of it resets or is manipulated?
An invention that could not exist in reality can exist in a simulation especially if reality doesn't exist for game characters. If people knew the truth they'd go insane. If Realization that you do not actually exist would crash a player.
Imagine the Easter eggs we have seen and missed. Science Fiction, the Internet, The Matrix, time travel, alternate realities. The biggest being dreams. How about the movie Free Guy. How about reincarnation? Coming back into the game as another character. Religion speak of afterlife = after game.
I wonder how many have everything all figured out? Elon Musk, innovator and richest person in the world has even spoken of the simulation possibility. He may not be Q now but maybe farther in the game? Or Trump. Donald, or children? The POTUS is protected/insulated. It would be easy to say that from the future if you knew Trump lived to 89. It would be easy to do a lot of things if you had years of future game knowlege.
So, I hope I made you think. We only know what we are taught, told or discover on our own.
They say time travel is impossible. They say nothing can travel the speed of light. I'm NOT a physicist. "They" say a lot of stuff.
What is the speed of thought? Computer programs are basically numerical. Thoughts and even us are composed of numbers. Of course, that is physical. If we are a computer simulation that is also true. If we are a simulation in a program - there is a cheat. Or a way to move point to point like in a game. Or a way to accumulate wealth. Is everyone playing in the same game. Are there restarts and restore points? Apply everything you know about games to this supposed simulation. Who would be the top players in this game? Would they know they were playing a game? I'll say a few names living and dead: Nikola Tesla, Vlad Putin, Elon Musk, John Trump, Donald Trump & George Soros. Innovation, luck and skill. Suppose someone could create a distorted code within the simulation that could send info back earlier in the code? If we are in a simulation anything is possible. It wouldn't be reality if there is such a thing. They say we are in a movie. Same idea. So because a player character becomes aware it's a game they can now do almost anything. But they must be careful. Players can end and be out of the game. So, because you "know" you can send info back to yourself or someone else. Time isn't real. It's a series of events back to back and interwoven. And it's game history/back story. Suppose every time you sleep some of it resets or is manipulated?
An invention that could not exist in reality can exist in a simulation especially if reality doesn't exist for game characters. If people knew the truth they'd go insane. If Realization that you do not actually exist would crash a player.
Imagine the Easter eggs we have seen and missed. Science Fiction, the Internet, The Matrix, time travel, alternate realities. The biggest being dreams. How about the movie Free Guy. How about reincarnation? Coming back into the game as another character. Religion speak of afterlife = after game.
I wonder how many have everything all figured out? Elon Musk, innovator and richest person in the world has even spoken of the simulation possibility. He may not be Q now but maybe farther in the game? Or Trump. Donald, or children? The POTUS is protected/insulated. It would be easy to say that from the future if you knew Trump lived to 89. It would be easy to do a lot of things if you had years of future game knowlege.
So, I hope I made you think. We only know what we are taught, told or discover on our own.