You're so right. :-( I used to live in Tarrant county (during the 2020 election) and found out about that Smartmatic mo-fo being brought in. Tarrant county is (historically) red as blood - but it magically went for Biden in 2020, thanks to that SoB!
Looks like the Dallas county steal may already be underway with "wrong ballots being printed" thing that started on 10/21. What wasn't clear to me about that report though was if they're talking about voting machines in Dallas county "printing wrong ballots" or if the election workers are handing voters inaccurate paper ballots that list the wrong candidates or races for their precinct - something like that?
Everywhere in Texas that I've voted (across 5 different counties), voters get a BLANK piece of scan-tron type of paper (long skinny piece of paper that looks like a large 'ticket') and insert it into the voting machine to begin the process. Voters do their candidate selections on a computer screen, then after confirming your answers/choices the voter prints out all their selections onto their scan-tron type of piece of paper that becomes their ballot. In every experience I've had voting across Texas for decades, the ballot piece of paper doesn't have any races or candidates listed on it until AFTER the voter selects them on the machine and then prints their ballot out once they've made all their voting selections.
Possibly, there are some counties in Texas that use paper ballots with the candidates/races listed on them and voters mark the paper ballot by hand, but I have never seen that process in Dallas county and have previously voted there for decades.
So I'm wondering about this Dallas county "printing wrong ballots" sitch if what that REALLY means is the printout of the ballots (after voters select their candidates on the screen) isn't matching how the voter chose for each race on the screen. As in, the voting machines are CHANGING their selections before voters print out their own ballots. If that's the case, then those (vote swapped) paper ballots would get scanned and tabulate votes cast for someone other than the voters' intention AND the ballot 'paper trail' would reflect actual votes for those UNintended candidates too.
You're so right. :-( I used to live in Tarrant county (during the 2020 election) and found out about that Smartmatic mo-fo being brought in. Tarrant county is (historically) red as blood - but it magically went for Biden in 2020, thanks to that SoB!
Looks like the Dallas county steal may already be underway with "wrong ballots being printed" thing that started on 10/21. What wasn't clear to me about that report though was if they're talking about voting machines in Dallas county "printing wrong ballots" or if the election workers are handing voters inaccurate paper ballots that list the wrong candidates or races for their precinct - something like that?
Everywhere in Texas that I've voted (across 5 different counties), voters get a BLANK piece of scan-tron type of paper (long skinny piece of paper that looks like a large 'ticket') and insert it into the voting machine to begin the process. Voters do their candidate selections on a computer screen, then after confirming your answers/choices the voter prints out all their selections onto their scan-tron type of piece of paper that becomes their ballot. In every experience I've had voting across Texas for decades, the ballot piece of paper doesn't have any races or candidates listed on it until AFTER the voter selects them on the machine and then prints their ballot out once they've made all their voting selections.
Possibly, there are some counties in Texas that use paper ballots with the candidates/races listed on them and voters mark the paper ballot by hand, but I have never seen that process in Dallas county and have previously voted there for decades.
So I'm wondering about this Dallas county "printing wrong ballots" sitch if what that REALLY means is the printout of the ballots (after voters select their candidates on the screen) isn't matching what the ballot print-out paper says. As in, the voting machines are CHANGING their selections before voters print out their own ballots. If that's the case, then those (vote swapped) paper ballots would get scanned and tabulate votes cast for someone other than the voters' intention AND the ballot 'paper trail' would reflect actual votes for those UNintended candidates too.