This is one of my favorite games.
Author-itarian - someone who rules by making up stories.
Dictate-or - someone who rules by telling people to do stuff.
Secret-ary - someone who can keep their damn mouth shut
In-vader - non-resident paternal lines (vader =pater=father)
Social-ist - someone who seeks to rule through social networks as opposed to leading or doing
Bureau-crat - power from a desk
Pluto-crat - allegedly “rule by the wealthy” but Pluto was also the god of the dead, and who do these people love getting to vote for them? Remember when Pluto stopped being a planet? Was that comms? Did they lose control of the dead vote in 2006? (Other than the sun, the two most central planets to their games are Mercury and Venus - the messenger and the eroticist - war actually comes after those in importance!)
This is one of my favorite games.
Author-itarian - someone who rules by making up stories.
Dictate-or - someone who rules by telling people to do stuff.
Secret-ary - someone who can keep their damn mouth shut
In-vader - non-resident paternal lines (vader =pater=father)
Social-ist - someone who seeks to rule through social networks as opposed to leading or doing
Bureau-crat - power from a desk
Pluto-crat - allegedly “rule by the wealthy” but Pluto was also the god of the dead, and who do these people love getting to vote for them? Remember when Pluto stopped being a planet? Was that comms? Did they lose control of the dead vote in 2006?
This is one of my favorite games.
Author-itarian - someone who rules by making up stories.
Dictate-or - someone who rules by telling people to do stuff.
Secret-ary - someone who can keep their damn mouth shut
In-vader - non-resident paternal lines (vader =pater=father)
Social-ist - someone who seeks to rule through social networks as opposed to leading or doing
Bureau-crat - power from a desk
Pluto-crat - allegedly “rule by the wealthy” but Pluto was also the god of the dead, and who do these people love getting to vote for them? Remember when Pluto stopped being a planet? Was that comms?