I agree with your assessment that this play is being effectively countered currently. It is also likely that we win and there will be no rewrite by the globalists in 2066. In fact, there may not be any globalists left alive in 2066 as they and their families will likely be hunted into extinction (lawfully, of course). Watching it play out and be countered in realtime in a "thread-the-needle" kinda way is quite interesting. Counter-narrative warfare against both this 'Hitler' narrative and the 'Israel-is-ally' narratives are quite tricky due to heavy, heavy, heavy media brainwashing.
Commies and Fascists are two sides of the same coin. They just change names as needed. Both are globalist satan worshippers. The REAL POLITICAL SPECTRUM is sovereignty on one side and tyranny on the other: https://greatawakening.win/p/17tKnclaca/the-real-world-political-spectru/c/
I agree with your assessment that this play is being effectively countered currently. It is also likely that we win and there will be no rewrite by the globalists in 2066. In fact, there may not be any globalists left alive in 2066 as they and their families will likely be hunted into extinction (lawfully, of course). Watching it play out and be countered in realtime is quite interesting.
Commies and Fascists are two sides of the same coin. They just change names as needed. Both are globalist satan worshippers. The REAL POLITICAL SPECTRUM is sovereignty on one side and tyranny on the other: https://greatawakening.win/p/17tKnclaca/the-real-world-political-spectru/c/