So far it’s worked on my I-phone and pc. My guess is Brave doesn’t have some embedded code that handshakes with the ad trigger, or something like that, but I’m just a computer banging monkey with the tech skills of a cat walking across the keyboard. On the phone it was through the brave app.
So far it’s worked on my I-phone and pc. My guess is Brave doesn’t have some embedded code that handshakes with the ad trigger, or something like that, but I’m just a computer banging monkey with the tech skills of a cat walking across the keyboard.
So far it’s worked on my I-phone and pc. My guess is Brave doesn’t have some embedded code that handshakes with the ad trigger, or something like that, but I’m just a computer banging monkey with the computer skills of a cat walking across the keyboard.
So far it’s worked on my I-phone and pc.