The whistle. Same as the Ghost military videos. Also possibly a tune done in the instrumental background beginning music of Fall of the Cabal Part 10. The same tune mixed in to another takes place much faster in the last 4min + or so of the same video; as Tesla, John Trump, Ingersoll, and all the new technologies are discussed. Yes, it immediately caught my ear and eye. Certainly something I hope Magic Eyes Qnly somehow catches. Then we can learn the Comms.
The whistle. Same as the Ghost military videos. Also possibly a tune done in the instrumental background beginning music of Fall of the Cabal Part 10. The same tune mixed in to another takes place mush faster in the last 4min + or so of the same video; as Tesla, John Trump, Ingersoll, and all the new technologies are discussed. Yes, it immediately caught my ear and eye. Certainly something I hope Magic Eyes Qnly somehow catches. Then we can learn the Comms.