Hard to control my gag reflex on that opening salvo of the lefttard news network roundup highlights.
Madcow was rich..."rip roaring economy of the last four years that is the envy of the rest of the world." What the actual FUCK is she smoking?? Oh, that's right...she's a coastal libtard elite, in whose bubble that's what the last four years of hell actually look like.
And then Scarborough, pointing the spotlight, not on how advanced American tech is because of "OuR ImMiGrAnTs!!!" but because American education has been swirling the toilet SO BADLY for decades, that we cannot educate nor train up OUR OWN NATURALLY BORN CITIZENS to take these positions.
And finally Madcow with the fucking cherry on the sundae....VICKY NULAND. Oh, you fat, traitorous pig, Vicky. Judgment is coming for you...and that right quickly. I seriously wonder if they can find rope that's thick/strong enough to cut through those multiple chins of hers...
Hard to control my gag reflex on that opening salvo of the lefttard news network roundup highlights.
Madcow was rich..."rip roaring economy of the last four years that is the envy of the rest of the world." What the actual FUCK is she smoking?? Oh, that's right...she's a coastal libtard elite, in whose bubble that's what the last four years of hell actually look like.
And then Scarborough, pointing the spotlight, not on how advanced American tech is because of "OuR ImMiGrAnTs!!!" but because American education has been swirling the toilet SO BADLY for decades, that we cannot educate nor train up OUR OWN NATURALLY BORN CITIZENS to take these positions.
And then Madcow with the fucking cherry on the sundae....VICKY NULAND. Oh, you fat, traitorous pig, Vicky. Judgment is coming for you...and that right quickly.
Hard to control my gag reflex on that opening salvo of the lefttard news network roundup highlights. And Madcow was rich..."rip roaring economy of the last four years that is the envy of the rest of the world." What the actual FUCK is she smoking?? Oh, that's right...she's a coastal libtard elite, in whose bubble that's what the last four years of hell actually look like.