Youre right that Reuters is shit. I spent 5 minutes looking for a better link. Im guessing all the good sources just assume people wouldnt be dumb enough to fall for something so obviously retarded, so they havent bothered to address it.
But that link gives you some sources for you to check yourself. The Reuters link mention Bill Gates because if you search yandex many of the clickbaiters claimed this was him.
So without good sources we are forced to use other means.
This hoax video shows a watermarked date of 2005, and its been on youtube since at least 2011.
So why is this Pravda website posting it now as new news? The Pravda source is some random Telegram account. And do a search up on Pravda, as they have a reputation for being bullshit clickbait farmers.
Also God gave humans free will. He didnt give us a freaking gene that would make it more likely to believe in him. Just use your common sense here and its not hard to smell the bullshit from 3 miles away.
Youre right that Reuters is shit. I spent 5 minutes looking for a better link. Im guessing all the good sources just assume people wouldnt be dumb enough to fall for something so obviously retarded, so they havent bothered to address it.
But that link gives you some sources for you to check yourself. The Reuters link address the fact that its clearly not Bill Gates because if you search yandex many of the clickbaiters claimed this was him.
So without good sources we are forced to use other means.
This hoax video shows a watermarked date of 2005, and its been on youtube since at least 2011.
So why is this Pravda website posting it now as new news? The Pravda source is some random Telegram account. And do a search up on Pravda, as they have a reputation for being bullshit clickbait farmers.
Also God gave humans free will. He didnt give us a freaking gene that would make it more likely to believe in him. Just use your common sense here and its not hard to smell the bullshit from 3 miles away.
Youre right that Reuters is shit. I spent 5 minutes looking for a better link. Im guessing all the good sources just assume people wouldnt be dumb enough to fall for something so obviously retarded, so they havent bothered to address it.
But that link gives you some sources for you to check yourself. The Reuters link address the fact that its clearly not Bill Gates. if you search yandex many of the clickbaiters claimed this was Bill Gates (thats what they mentio Gates).
So without good sources we are forced to use other means.
This hoax video shows a watermarked date of 2005, and its been on youtube since at least 2011.
So why is this Pravda website posting it now as new news? The Pravda source is some random Telegram account. And do a search up on Pravda, as they have a reputation for being bullshit clickbait farmers.
Also God gave humans free will. He didnt give us a freaking gene that would make it more likely to believe in him. Just use your common sense here and its not hard to smell the bullshit from 3 miles away.
Youre right that Reuters is shit.
I spent 5 minutes looking for a better link. Im guessing all the good sources just assume people wouldnt be dumb enough to fall for something so obviously retarded so they havent bothered to address it.
My link gives you some sources for you to check yourself. The Reuters link address the fact that its clearly not Bill Gates. if you search yandex most of the clickbaiters claimed this was Bill Gates (thats what they are mentioning Gates).
So without good sources we are forced to use other means.
This hoax video shows a watermarked date of 2005, and its been on youtube since at least 2011.
So why is this Pravda website posting it now as new news? The Pravda source is some random Telegram account.
And do a search up on Pravda. They have a reputation for being clickbait bullshitters.
Also God gave humans free choice. He didnt give us a freaking gene that would make it more likely to believe in him. Just use your common sense here. Its not hard to smell the bullshit from 3 miles away when you do.