I've been a secret democrat for the past 2 years on Reddit. I've been stoking hate for Pelosi and Shumer for fucking "our" election up. 5th Generation warfare. Reddit is a cesspool and I'm glad to get off of it for a while.
One of my favorite places to drink liberal tears: https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoXChromosomes/ They truly are fucking nuts.
I've been a secret democrat for the past 2 years on Reddit. I've been stoking hate for Pelosi and Shumer for fucking "our" election up. 5th Generation warfare. Reddit is a cesspool and I'm glad to get off of it for a while.
One of my favorite places to drink liberal tears: https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoXChromosomes/ They truly are fucking nuts.
"u/jalapenorupe avatar jalapenorupe • 4h ago • She was the wrong candidate. It should have been Mayor Pete!
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u/BigE429 avatar BigE429 • 4h ago • Honestly, by the time Biden dropped out, the election was probably already lost. I wouldn't want Pete running under those circumstances.
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u/jalapenorupe avatar jalapenorupe • 3h ago • He would have brought his experience of running a city, his likeability, his looks, and his sexuality would have captivated the younger generation. Trump did surprisingly and scarily better than most thought with the youth vote. I just don't understand it. Assholes like Charlie Kirk shouldn't be allowed to speak on a college campus.
I've been a secret democrat for the past 2 years on Reddit. I've been stoking hate for Pelosi and Shumer for fucking "our" election up. 5th Generation warfare. Reddit is a cesspool and I'm glad to get off of it for a while.
One of my favorite places to drink liberal tears: https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoXChromosomes/ They truly are fucking nuts.