I remember around 2015-16 reading an article on The Ugly Truth - Wordpress (anybody remember that site or what happened to it ?) about Donald Trump political campaign was being backed a group senior US military officers and they were being lead by Gen. Mark Milley! I think afterwards the article disappeared and so did the site. Shame, I had followed(a very based) Mark Glenn of TUT for so long. The site had several articles out about this Trump-Military axis before Trump was even nominated. Then it all disappeared when Trump politically rose. It left me intrigued to this very day. 🤔
Could it be the Trump-Milley spat is just one big psyop to deflect suspicion?
I remember around 2015-16 reading an article on The Ugly Truth - Wordpress (anybody remember that site?) about Donald Trump political campaign was backed a group senior US military officers and they were being lead by Gen. Mark Milley! I think afterwards the article disappeared and so did the site. Shame, I followed Mark Glenn of TUT for so long. The site had several articles out about this Trump-Military axis before Trump was even nominated. Then it all disappeared when Trump rose. It left me intrigued to this very day. 🤔
Could it be the Trump-Milley spat is just one big psyop to deflect suspicion?
I remember around 2015-16 reading an article on The Ugly Truth - Wordpress (anybody remember that site?) about Donald Trump political campaign was being backed a group senior US military officers and they were being being lead by Gen. Mark Milley! I think afterwards the article disappeared and so did the site. Shame, I followed Mark Glenn of TUT for so long. The site had several articles out about this Trump-Military axis before Trump was even nominated. Then it all disappeared when Trump rose. It left me intrigued to this very day. 🤔
Could it be the Trump-Milley spat is just one big psyop to deflect suspicion?
I remember around 2015-16 reading an article on The Ugly Truth - Wordpress (anybody remember that site?) about Donald Trump political campaign was being backed a group senior US military officers and they were being being lead by Gen. Mark Milley! I think afterwards the article disappeared and so did the site. Shame, I followed Mark Glenn of TUT for so long. The site had several articles out about this Trump-Military axis before Trump was even nominated. Then it all stopped when Trump rose. It left me intrigued to this very day. 🤔
Could it be the Trump-Milley spat is just one big psyop to deflect suspicion?