Yeah, Australians can be very economical with words.
Some words can have multiple meanings.
Example:" If ya get stuck in to the piss (alcohol) and have a piss up (drinking session) you'll get pissed (drunk) then the missus (wife) will be pissed off (upset and cranky) then you won't get a root (sex),now you've pissed your chance for a good time up the wall. In fact she'll probably tell you to piss off (go away) and by now you'll feel like having a piss (urinate) anyway.
Yeah, Australians can be very economical with words.
Some words can have multiple meanings.
Example:" If ya get stuck in to the piss (alcohol) you'll get pissed (drunk) then the missus (wife) will be pissed off (upset and cranky) then you won't get a root (sex), in fact she'll probably tell you to piss off (go away) and by now you'll feel like having a piss (urinate) anyway.
Yeah, Australians can be very economical with words.
Some words can have multiple meanings.
Example:" If ya get stuck in to the piss (alcohol) you'll get pissed (drunk) then the missus (wife) will be pissed off (upset and cranky) then you won't get a root (sex)"