It should be an option for the worst cases, especially repeat offenders or people who can be proven to be a permanent threat to others, BUT the required proof before it becomes an option should be damn solid. Not how severe the crime is and they need to find the guilty party and it looks likely that they got him, but that there can be absolutely no doubt he did it.
No doubt. Not just that the procecution speaks better than his defense, or has managed to make some potential evidence for his innocence, or some reason why he maybe had some halfway acceptable reason for doing what he did (mistaken self defense in murder cases or something), not valid for the court.
If there is any doubt make it life sentence. Maybe give the option of choosing death himself for the accused as you said, but otherwise life.
However, if it is something like a serial killer case where there is no doubt that he has killed at least some of the victims, is caught on the act or something equally valid, then death penalty.
It should be an option for the worst cases, especially repeat offenders or people who can be proven to be a permanent threat to others, BUT the required proof before it becomes an option should be damn solid. Not how severe the crime is and they need to find the guilty party and it looks likely that they got him, but that there can be absolutely no doubt he did it.
No doubt. Not just that the DA speaks better than his defense, or has managed to make some potential evidence for his innocence, or some reason why he maybe had some halfway acceptable reason for doing what he did (mistaken self defense in murder cases or something), not valid for the court.
If there is any doubt make it life sentence. Maybe give the option of choosing death himself for the accused as you said, but otherwise life.
However, if it is something like a serial killer case where there is no doubt that he has killed at least some of the victims, is caught on the act or something equally valid, then death penalty.