Charlie Kirk spoke about the working class yesterday too. He describes the group as the muscular class, and it's both men and women of all stripes.
It's the group that the Sunny Hostins of the world like to call dumb and stupid because they didn't go to college.
Interesting fact, Charlie Kirk never went to college. Many, many people played a role in the successful election and Charlie Kirk is right up there. He helped turn out a massive youth vote.
If you have ever listened to Charlie Kirk put himself on a hot seat and offer an "ask me anything" to rabid leftists you realize how brilliant he is, even though he "never went to college." He is super bright.
Anyways, the reason I bring this up is that Sean O'Brien is the president of the Teamsters union. This group voted overwhelmingly for Trump.
As Charlie described it, while all the liberals worked through the pandemic on their laptops with their lattes, the muscular class was the group making all of the Amazon deliveries and bringing food via door dash. This is the group that kept the world moving and the left rips on them as being dumb and stupid.
These are the forgotten people. And Trump hasn't forgotten them at all. That's why he won.
Charlie Kirk spoke about the working class yesterday too. He describes the group as the muscular class, and it's both men and women of all stripes.
It's the group that the Sunny Hostin's of the world like to call dumb and stupid because they didn't go to college.
Interesting fact, Charlie Kirk never went to college. Many, many people played a role in the successful election and Charlie Kirk is right up there. He helped turn out a massive youth vote.
If you have ever listened to Charlie Kirk put himself on a hot seat and offer an "ask me anything" to rabid leftists you realize how brilliant he is, even though he "never went to college." He is super bright.
Anyways, the reason I bring this up is that Sean O'Brien is the president of the teamsters union. This group voted overwhelmingly for Trump.
As Charlie described it, while all the liberals worked through the pandemic on their laptops with their lattes, the muscular class was the group making all of the Amazon deliveries and bring food via door dash. This is the group the kept the world moving and the left rips on them as being dumb and stupid.
These are the forgotten people. And Trump hasn't forgotten them at all. That's why he won.
Charlie Kirk spoke about the working class yesterday too. He describes the group as the muscular class, and it's both men and women of all stripes.
It's the group that the Sunny Hostin's of the world like to call dumb and stupid because they didn't go to college.
Interesting fact, Charlie Kirk never went to college. Many, many people played a role in the successful election and Charlie Kirk is right up there. He helped turn out a massive youth vote.
If you have ever listened to Charlie Kirk put himself on a hot seat and do an "ask me anything" you realize how brilliant he is, even though he "never went to college." He is super bright.
Anyways, the reason I bring this up is that Sean O'Brien is the president of the teamsters union. This group voted overwhelmingly for Trump.
As Charlie described it, while all the liberals worked through the pandemic on the laptops with their lattes, the muscular class was the group making all of the Amazon deliveries and bring food via door dash. This is the group the kept the world moving and the left rips on them as being dumb and stupid.
These are the forgotten people. And Trump hasn't forgotten them at all. That's why he won.