Obama went white and Pence looked pretty scared too. Do you remember Dr Dave Janda? Dave wrote medical policy for Bush, Clinton and Obama. He especially hated poppy bush and wasn’t going to watch the funeral. He still had friends in the gov. and kept in touch. A couple of them contacted him, asking if he was going to watch the funeral. Twice he told each no, but both were adamant that he watch and he supposed it would be to do with H Clinton. Why were the cameras focused on the in the front row. Those cameras followed each of the presidents and the wives constantly. You rarely saw past the front row. I won’t mention the looks on the Bush’faces. A couple of weeks ago PBD had Jim Jordan on. He was asked about the envelopes. Jim knows. And we will too soon.
Obama went white and Pence looked pretty scared too. Do you remember Dr Dave Janda? Dave wrote medical policy for Bush, Clinton and Obama. He especially hated poppy bush and wasn’t going to watch the funeral. He still had friends in the gov. and kept in touch. A couple of them contacted him, asking if he was going to watch the funeral. Twice he told each no, but both were adamant that he watch and he supposed it would be to do with H Clinton. Why were the cameras focused on the in the front row. Those cameras followed each of the presidents and the wives constantly. You rarely saw past the front row. I won’t mention the looks on the Bush’faces. A couple of weeks ago Joe Rogan had Jim Jordan on. He was asked about the envelopes. Jim knows. And we will too soon.