The nurses, doctors, administrators at my kids hospital ridiculed the ones that wouldn't take it... they stood in the windows and laughed & mocked at us protesters with signs begging for NO MANDATES!!
They were smug when she was fired, after YEARS of working together KNOWING 2 small kids would suffer.
They only cried after 3600+ people were fired and they had not enough staff.
I hope they feel like shit. I hope they see themselves as weak and pathetic.
Everyone was scared, that doesn't mean you turn your back on your friends and become a POS.
I want them to live a long life, (not in a medical field) knowing of the type of person they became/are when they were tested.
The nurses, doctors, administrators at my kids hospital ridiculed the ones that wouldn't take it... they stood in the windows and laughed & mocked at us protesters with signs begging for NO MANDATES!!
They were smug when she was fired, after YEARS of working together KNOWING 2 small kids would suffer.
They only cried after 3600+ people were fired and they had not enough staff.
I hope they feel like shit. I hope they see themselves as weak and pathetic.
Everyone was scared, that doesn't mean you turn your back on your friends and become a POS.
I want them to live a long life, knowing of the type of person they became/are when they were tested.